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Re: [ferret_users] pseudo dataset name


I thank Jaison, Billy and Ansley for pointing out several nice hacks. I now
use the dsetnum approach.

Concerning the suggestion that Ansley brought about below, it didn't work
for me at first since I stored the filename in a symbol:

yes? def sym soda = "
yes? use ($soda)
yes? use another_netcdf_file.nc
yes? sh g temp[d=($soda)]
!-> sh g temp[d="
**ERROR: unknown data set: D="

However I happened to find that if I enclosed the symbol within a pair of
grave accents, it then works:

yes? sh g temp[d=`($soda)`]
!-> sh g temp[d=
http://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu:80/dods/public_data/SODA/soda_pop1.4.2 ]
name axis # pts start end
LON LONGITUDE 720mr 0.25E 0.25W
LAT LATITUDE 330 r 75.25S 89.25N
LEV DEPTH (m) 40 i- 5 5374
TIME TIME 528 i 15-JAN-1958 00:00 15-DEC-2001 00:00

so grave accents remove quotation marks? good to know.


On 4/9/07, Ansley Manke <Ansley.B.Manke@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi David,
You can specify the whole path in your expressions, if you do it in the
same way that you did in your SET DATA command

yes? set data "./sub_dir_1/datfile.nc"
yes? set data "./sub_dir_2/datfile.nc"

yes? shade  a[d=./sub_dir_1/datfile.nc] - a[d=./sub_dir_2/datfile.nc]


yes? use "/home/porter/ansley/sub1/along.nc"
yes? use "/home/porter/ansley/sub2/along.nc"
yes? plot a[d=/home/porter/ansley/sub1/along.nc] -

The text you specify for the path must match what's given by

yes? say `a,return=dsetpath`

David Wang wrote:
> Hello Ferreters,
> I'm not sure this is available or can be made available in FERRET. I
> found that if I have two datasets having the same filename but in two
> different directories, both opened within a FERRET session. Now if I
> want to refer both in square brackets in a single _expression_, I cannot
> use dataset names simply because the two have the same filename (and
> FERRET doesn't accept filenames with a full path in square brackets).
> Of course one can always refer them by their dataset numbers. But
> occasionally that could be confusing (such as you don't know how many
> datasets have already been opened). So my question is, is it possible
> to give a dataset a user-defined pseudo name when opening it, which
> can be used uniquely to identify the dataset later on?
> Thanks,
> David


~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>

Ansley Manke, NOAA/PMEL   ansley.b.manke@xxxxxxxx
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA
Phone 206-526-6246,  FAX 206-526-6744

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