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Re: [ferret_users] Sample a field along a set of line segments?

Hi Billy,
          Initially i got a method to solve it using Fortran. But
it was a lengthy one. My friend Bharath suggested a method based
on GCD (almost same as the solution i got but a neat one). Here 
is the Ferret implimentation of the solution as a "GO" file 
(please see attached jnl file grid_pts_along_line_segments.jnl).
Comments/suggestions are most welcome. If you face any problems 
with this GO file, I will be happy to look into it. 

If anybody is interested to have a look at the Fortran stuff,
please send me a mail.

Hope this helps,



On Tue, 3 Oct 2006, William S. Kessler wrote:

> I want to sample a field along a line defined by a set of (x,y)  
> points. Clearly I could use SAMPLEXY to extract the values at the  
> given points, but I want to, in effect, draw straight lines between  
> those points and sample all along those lines.
> It is necessary to say how densely I want to sample, that is, how  
> many intermediate points to add in between the given ones. Suppose I  
> want to add an intermediate point at each value of the x-grid of the  
> field to be sampled. As an example, suppose I have two points (155,7)  
> and (158,13), and my background grid is 1 by 1, on integers. The  
> points I want to add would be (156,9) and (157,11). How can I find  
> those points and augment my original set to include them? Then I can  
> use SAMPLEXY to sample the field.
> Billy K
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> William S. Kessler
> NOAA / Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory
> 7600 Sand Point Way NE
> Seattle WA 98115 USA
> william.s.kessler@noaa.gov
> Tel: 206-526-6221
> Fax: 206-526-6744
> Home page: http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/people/kessler/
\ cancel mode verify
! Go file to find the grid points along specified line segments. In other
!  words to find the grid points on which a cruise track will pass through.
! Assumptions : 1. Each Cruise track station (x,y) points exists in the gridded 
!                    dataset.
!               2. Gridded data have "uniform" dx and dy
! Usage : GO grid_pts_along_line_segments stn_x, stn_y, dx, dy, points
! Arguments
!  $1 : mandatory :  X(longitude) points of cruise stations, on X-grid : INPUT
!  $2 :     "     :  Y(latitude)  points of cruise stations, on X-grid :   "
!  $3 :     "     : dX, spacing along X(Lon) for gridded data          :   "
!  $4 :     "     : dY, spacing along Y(Lat) for gridded data          :   "
!  $5 : optional  :  total number of grid points, including new ones   : OUPUT
! This GO file will write all the (X,Y) pairs of new as well as old grid
!     points to a text file grid_pts.txt, which can be loaded into Ferret
!     in order to sample the gridded data along the cruise track (without
!     any interpolation error) using SAMPLEXY external function.
! NOTE : All the internal variables of this script have a prefix "gpl" 
!            except "npts".
! Example :
!     use levitus_climatology  ! d=1
!     define axis/x=0:360:1/units=longitudes xlon ! for the sake of
!     define axis/y=-90:90:1/units=latitudes ylat ! example 
!     let sst = temp[d=1,k=1,gx=xlon,gy=ylat] ! d=1 is important as we
!     let dx  = x[gx=sst,i=2]-x[gx=sst,i=1]   !     will load a new
!     let dy  = y[gy=sst,j=2]-y[gy=sst,j=1]   !     file soon
!     !--Cruise track : station lat-lon points : defined on X-Axis (A MUST)
!     let stn_x = XSEQUENCE({155,158,158,160,157,160,162,165,168,165})
!     let stn_y = XSEQUENCE({  7, 10, 14, 16, 19, 22, 24, 24, 21, 18})
!     GO grid_pts_along_line_segments stn_x, stn_y, dx, dy, points
!     define axis/x=1:`points`:1 xfile
!     define grid/x=xfile      gfile
!     FILE/grid=gfile/var="xpts, ypts" grid_pts.txt ! d=2   
!     fill/x=120:200/y=0:30/pal=inverse_greyscale/lev=(14,30,0.5) sst
!     plot/vs/ov/nolab/size=0.12/symb=1/color=8  xpts[d=2], ypts[d=2]   ! new grid points in RED
!     plot/vs/ov/nolab/size=0.12/symb=1/color=11 stn_x, stn_y 
!     go land
!     pause 
!     let sst_cruise = SAMPLEXY(sst,xpts[d=2],ypts[d=2])
!     plot sst_cruise
! Created By    : Jaison Kurian     (jaison@caos.iisc.ernet.in) &
!                 Bharath Raj G. N. (ozone@caos.iisc.ernet.in)
! Created on    : 06/Oct/2006
! Modifications : None

    query/ignore $1%<Use: GO grid_pts_along_line_segments xpts, ypts, dx, dy, npts%
    query/ignore $2%<Use: GO grid_pts_along_line_segments xpts, ypts, dx, dy, npts%
    query/ignore $3%<Use: GO grid_pts_along_line_segments xpts, ypts, dx, dy, npts%
    query/ignore $4%<Use: GO grid_pts_along_line_segments xpts, ypts, dx, dy, npts%
    query/ignore $1%<Use: GO grid_pts_along_line_segments xpts, ypts, dx, dy, npts%

    let gpl_stn_x = $1
    let gpl_stn_y = $2
    let gpl_dx    = $3
    let gpl_dy    = $4

!--do some consistency checks

    def sym x_shape = `gpl_stn_x,r=shape`
    def sym y_shape = `gpl_stn_y,r=shape`
    IF `"($x_shape)" NE "X"` THEN
       SAY " ERROR : 1st argument (xpts) to grid_pts_along_line_segments should be "
       SAY "         defined on X-axis (XSEQUENCE will make it easy)          "
    IF `"($y_shape)" NE "X"` THEN
       SAY " ERROR :  2nd argument (ypts) to grid_pts_along_line_segments should be "
       SAY "          defined on X-axis (XSEQUENCE will make it easy)          "

    let gpl_stns  = `gpl_stn_x,r=iend`
    let gpl_stns1 = `gpl_stn_y,r=iend`

    IF `gpl_stns NE gpl_stns1` THEN
       SAY " ERROR : From grid_pts_along_line_segments"
       SAY "         Number of xpts and ypts (1st & 2nd Arguments) are not same"
    IF `gpl_stns LT 2` THEN 
       SAY " ERROR : From grid_pts_along_line_segments"
       SAY "         Number of xpts and ypts (1st & 2nd Arguments) should be > 1."

    IF `gpl_dx LE 0 OR gpl_dy LE 0` THEN
       SAY " ERROR : From grid_pts_along_line_segments"
       SAY "         dx and dy (3rd & 4th Arguments) should be > 0."

!--if everything is ok, then do it

    sp rm -f grid_pts.txt
    define symbol gpl_qual = quiet/nohead/file=grid_pts.txt/format=(2x,2(f9.4,3x))/APPEND

    let gpl_points = 1
    list/($gpl_qual) gpl_stn_x[i=1], gpl_stn_y[i=1]

    REPEAT/RANGE=1:`gpl_stns-1`:1/NAME=gpl_st (;\
        let gpl_xs = gpl_stn_x[i=`gpl_st`] ; let gpl_xe = gpl_stn_x[i=`gpl_st+1`] ;\
        let gpl_ys = gpl_stn_y[i=`gpl_st`] ; let gpl_ye = gpl_stn_y[i=`gpl_st+1`] ;\
        let gpl_xn = ((gpl_xe - gpl_xs)^2)^0.5 / gpl_dx   ;\
        let gpl_yn = ((gpl_ye - gpl_ys)^2)^0.5 / gpl_dy   ;\
        let gpl_xo = (gpl_xe - gpl_xs) * gpl_dx/MAX(gpl_xn,1) ;\
        let gpl_yo = (gpl_ye - gpl_ys) * gpl_dy/MAX(gpl_yn,1) ;\
        IF `gpl_xn EQ 0 OR gpl_yn EQ 0` THEN    ;\
            let gpl_gcd = MAX(gpl_xn,gpl_yn)          ;\
        ELSE                              ;\
            define axis/x=1:`MIN(gpl_xn,gpl_yn)`:1 gpl_xax  ;\
            let gpl_d          = x[gx=gpl_xax]          ;\
            let gpl_devisors_x = IF gpl_xn/gpl_d EQ INT(gpl_xn/gpl_d) THEN gpl_d ;\
            let gpl_devisors_y = IF gpl_yn/gpl_d EQ INT(gpl_yn/gpl_d) THEN gpl_d ;\
            let gpl_devisors   = gpl_devisors_x + gpl_devisors_y*0               ;\
            let gpl_gcd        = gpl_devisors[i=@MAX]                        ;\
        ENDIF                                 ;\
        let gpl_xinc = gpl_xn/gpl_gcd ; let gpl_yinc = gpl_yn/gpl_gcd ;\
        REPEAT/RANGE=1:`gpl_gcd`:1/NAME=gpl_in (      ;\
            let gpl_x2 = gpl_xs + gpl_xinc * gpl_in * gpl_dx * gpl_xo ;\
            let gpl_y2 = gpl_ys + gpl_yinc * gpl_in * gpl_dy * gpl_yo ;\
            list/($gpl_qual) gpl_x2, gpl_y2          ;\
            let gpl_points = `gpl_points` + 1             ;\

    define symbol gpl_npts = `gpl_points`
    let $5"npts" = `($gpl_npts)`
    cancel var gpl_*
    SAY Output is avialable in the text file "grid_pts.txt".

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