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RE: [ferret_users] "limit on storage for coordinates has been reached"after loading (& canceling) several data sets

Hi Ansley,
The data are not on a regular time axis.  They are observations that may be close to regularly gridded, but may also contain large gaps.
The commands below are from a script that reads these irregular data, grids to an hourly time axis, and saves to a file.  I suppose I could do the task in chunks, restarting ferret after each few files.
Is there no way to clear the memory taken up for coordinate storage?

From: Ansley Manke [mailto:Ansley.B.Manke@noaa.gov]
Sent: Thursday, September 28, 2006 4:37 PM
To: McCann, Mike
Cc: ferret_users
Subject: Re: [ferret_users] "limit on storage for coordinates has been reached" after loading (& canceling) several data sets

Hi Mike,
Are the data really intended to be on regular time axes?  The files are not marked as having regular timesteps, and Ferret's detecting slight variations in the time intervals.  If they're actually regular time steps, you'll have no trouble opening a bunch of files by specifying the /REGULART qualifier on the USE command:

yes? use/REGULART "http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200510/m1_imctd_20051020_original.nc"

McCann, Mike wrote:
Hello Ferreters,
I can load this data set in a fresh ferret session without error:
        FERRET v5.60
        Linux(g77) 2.4.18 - 04/09/04
        28-Sep-06 12:17
yes?  use "http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200510/m1_imctd_20051020_original.nc"

If I load other data sets before I load this one I get the "limit on storage for coordinates has been reached" error, e.g.:
        FERRET v5.60
        Linux(g77) 2.4.18 - 04/09/04
        28-Sep-06 12:23
yes? use "http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200510/m1_ctd0000_20051020_original.nc"
yes? use "http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200510/m1_ctd0010_20051020_original.nc"
yes? use "http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200510/m1_ctd0020_20051020_original.nc"
yes? use "http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200510/m1_imctd_20051020_original.nc"
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000

I've tried every CANCEL command I can think of to clear storage, but still get the error, e.g.:

yes? cancel memory/all
 PERMANENT data cleared from memory
 TEMPORARY data cleared from memory
yes? cancel data/all
yes? use "http://dods.mbari.org/cgi-bin/nph-nc/data/ssdsdata/deployments/m1/200510/m1_imctd_20051020_original.nc"
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000
 **TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates has been reached
             MAX= 250000

Is there a way I can clear the storage short of restarting Ferret?

Thanks in advance,

Mike McCann 
Software Engineer
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
7700 Sandholdt Road
Moss Landing, CA 95039-9644
Voice: 831.775.1769  Fax: 831.775.1736 http://www.mbari.org



~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~>   ~> 

Ansley Manke, NOAA/PMEL   ansley.b.manke@noaa.gov
7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle WA
Phone 206-526-6246,  FAX 206-526-6744

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