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Re: [ferret_users] Create an image to be georeferenced

Jaison Kurian wrote:
Hi Tony,
I think it is possible...two/three ways ...

1. before making plot, set all margins to zero

yes? go margins 0,0,0,0

2. use "/AXES" qualifier to define a viewport without margins

yes? define view/AXES/xlim=0:1/ylim=0:1 v1 ; set view v1

3. The problem with methods 1 and 2 is that, a very small white band
will appear on the top side. I don't know how to get rid of
this. Anyway you can try the following options (and is valid
for a plot made in normal way with /nolab/nokey/noaxes qualifiers)

3.1 Use some tools like gimp/xv to chop off the white band.
You could use ImageMagick's convert or mogrify to do the chopping like so:
convert -trim in.png out.png
        3.2 Lengthy solution.....make a ps file, corrent the bounding
             box (open the ps file in text editing tool and adjust the
             arguments for "%%BoundingBox" in the 5th line)...convert
             it to gif using linux command "convert".



On Wed, 21 Jun 2006, Tony Jolibois wrote:

       Hi all,

Is it possible with ferret to create an image without any label, key or
axis, just the field, in order to be able to georeference it (see images
attached, first with labels, second can be georeferenced).
When I try the fill command with /nolabs/nokey/noaxis, there is a white
band around the image, so it can not be georeferenced, must cut the band

Thanks in advance,

Remik Ziemlinski Raytheon Company
NOAA/Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab.

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