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Re: [ferret_users] how to get rid of the empty space between multipleplots

Hi Zhen,

| Also, I'd like to take the advantage of the "landscape mode",
| but it occurs to me that there aren't separate modes for
| portrait or landscape.

I don't think there's a "landscape mode", so to speak,
but you can achieve the same effect by playing with
the aspect keyword of the "set win" command.

For example,

  $ ferret
  . . . . . .
  yes? set data etopo120
  yes? set win/aspect=`8.5/11` !<- letter paper(*)
  !-> set win/aspect=0.77273
  yes? set mode metafile
  yes? fill rose
  yes? quit

  $ gksm2ps -R -p landscape -o tmp.ps metafile.plt

(I'm afraid I've never used the Fprint command, but
 I suppose it supports the same options.) You can play
with this code as the dataset etopo120 comes
with Ferret.

There are two problems with this approach:

  1) The boundingbox isn't correctly set; and
  2) The rotation is in the "wrong" direction.

(1) is OK because the plot still prints correctly
and because you can fix the bounding box using tools
such as ps2epsi and epstool or using a text editor.
(2) is OK for printing but I don't think it's trivial
to fix, unless you aren't afraid of inserting some
PostScript commands to your postscript file.

(*) For those of you who are from advanced countries
where only ISO paper sizes are used, a sheet of
letter paper is 8.5 inches wide and 11 inches high
in the portrait orientation.  This paper is common
in certain backwards countries :-)

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