2005 Ferret Users' mail archive
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Last updated: Thu Jan 05 09:32:42 2006
1121 messages
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- [ferret_users] custom jnl worked in las6.4.2 but not las 6.5.12 and ferret5.81,
hengkek, 01/04/06
- [ferret_users] can't plot over another plot,
Rob Scott, 01/03/06
- [ferret_users] unsupported order of axes,
S Y Phoon, 01/03/06
- [ferret_users] depth coordinate (inverted vertical axis),
Ryo Furue, 12/28/05
- [ferret_users] HDF Quikscat files from JPL,
Andy Chiodi, 12/28/05
- [ferret_users] X-mas greeting,
Ashraf Zakey, 12/24/05
- [ferret_users] Ferret on Ubuntu?,
Lev Tarasov, 12/23/05
- [ferret_users]why ferret is saving the variables with uppercase letter?,
Murat Gunduz, 12/23/05
- [ferret_users] interpolation,
David Wang, 12/16/05
- <Possible follow-ups>
- [ferret_users] interpolation,
David Wang, 12/16/05
- Re: [ferret_users] interpolation,
Ansley Manke, 12/19/05
- Re: [ferret_users] interpolation,
David Wang, 12/19/05
- Re: [ferret_users] interpolation,
Ansley Manke, 12/19/05
- [ferret_users] page numbers of postscript output,
David Wang, 12/21/05
- Re: [ferret_users] page numbers of postscript output,
Ryo Furue, 12/21/05
- Re: [ferret_users] page numbers of postscript output,
Ansley Manke, 01/03/06
- [ferret_users] Re: convert data from binary to netcdf (GDV conventions),
Ashraf Zakey, 12/16/05
- [ferret_users] question about labelling the lat and lon in polar projection,
Ming Yang, 12/15/05
- [ferret_users] Problem with southern polar stereographic plot,
Martin Dix, 12/15/05
- [ferret_users] memory leak?,
Rob Scott, 12/15/05
- [ferret_users] external functions with suse linux 9.3,
Martin Schmidt, 12/15/05
- [ferret_users] Solid contours for negative values? Thin zero contours?,
Ryo Furue, 12/15/05
- [ferret_users] [FERRET]MPEG ANIMATION,
zhen.li, 12/15/05
- [ferret_users] problems with multi_yaxis,
Nidia Martinez, 12/09/05
- [ferret_users] regrding on time dimension,
jagadish karmacharya, 12/09/05
- [ferret_users] PMEL download servers down?,
Ben Burford, 12/08/05
- MOM4p0 [ferret_users] reading netcdf-files, prepared with ferret,
Martin Schmidt, 12/08/05
- [ferret_users] i index from X,
Namba Takaya, 12/08/05
- [ferret_users] ASCII data ploting problem,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 12/06/05
- [ferret_users] pick up SST of the round area.,
Namba Takaya, 12/05/05
- [ferret_users] limit of numbers of viewports,
Namba Takaya, 12/04/05
- [ferret_users] MC file: description in the Ferret manual,
Ryo Furue, 12/01/05
- [ferret_users] how to change the value of the variable in Ferret?,
Xia Changshui, 12/01/05
- [ferret_users] Re: ferret into the future,
John Luick, 11/30/05
- [ferret_users] =?gb2312?B?W2ZlcnJldF91c2Vyc10gd2h5IGkgY25ub3Qgb3BlbiB0aGUgYXR0YWM=?==?gb2312?B?aGVkIFBTIGZpbGUgYnkgR3NWaWV3IG9yIEFkb2JlIElsbHVzdHJhdG8=?==?gb2312?B?cg==?=,
=?gb2312?B?Z2Fvcnow?=, 11/30/05
- [ferret_users] Variable Unknown Problem,
John Schattel, 11/30/05
- [ferret_users] ferret into the future,
John Luick, 11/29/05
- [ferret_users] Using @VAR,
zhen.li, 11/29/05
- [ferret_users] Re: wind barbs,
Mick Spillane, 11/28/05
- [ferret_users] eps figure does not appear in Microsoft Word2003,
Xia Changshui, 11/24/05
- [ferret_users] How to draw a curved arrow?,
Xia Changshui, 11/24/05
- [ferret_users] problems after change to new version,
Andreas.Klocker, 11/22/05
- [ferret_users] Question about using script,
Ming Yang, 11/22/05
- [ferret_users] [ferret] pallette question,
James Booth, 11/18/05
- [ferret_users] multi-stereographic plots,
Manfredi Manizza, 11/18/05
- [ferret_users] Filling in the blanks with interpolation,
hengkek, 11/17/05
- [ferret_users] Telling Ferret How to Convert Units of "sigma_level",
John Schattel, 11/16/05
- [ferret_users] point data to 2D grid,
DELCLAUX Francois, 11/16/05
- [ferret_users] [FERRET]memory issues in ferret,
zhen.li, 11/15/05
- [ferret_users] Ferret gksm2ps,
Joerg Franke, 11/15/05
- [ferret_users] labels on postcript outpout,
DELCLAUX Francois, 11/15/05
- [ferret_users] Ferret: Host is down,
jimmyc, 11/09/05
- [ferret_users] sigma coordinate slice.,
John Luick, 11/08/05
- [ferret_users] Accessing a DODS Aggregation Server with Ferret,
John Schattel, 11/08/05
- [ferret_users] missing values and scale factors interfere?,
Grant Andrea Nicole, 11/08/05
- [ferret_users] Installation problem in IBM_AIX,
Boyin.Huang, 11/04/05
- [ferret_users] Installation problem in IBM_AIX,
Boyin Huang, 11/04/05
- [ferret_users] curv_to_rect_map function,
Luiz Paulo, 11/03/05
- [ferret_users] Extract gridded SST data on space-time scattered buoy SST data,
Dr. Theodor Yemenis, 11/02/05
- [ferret_users] Q) change of location of LABELS...et al....,
jammal Tanclei, 10/31/05
- [ferret_users] fill up NaNs,
David Wang, 10/30/05
- [ferret_users] concerning -memsize switch,
Phil Moses, 10/28/05
- [ferret_users] OPeNDAP/JGOFS,
Namba Takaya, 10/26/05
- [ferret_users] Why single precision?,
Ingo Bethke (uib), 10/24/05
- Re: [ferret_users] Conjunction of variable with longitude/latitud e information,
Steve Guimond, 10/20/05
- [ferret_users] archive of Ferret scripts?,
Ben Burford, 10/20/05
- [ferret_users] regridding data between curvilinear grids,
Hein Zelle, 10/20/05
- [ferret_users] ssh data,
Prakya Shree Ram, 10/20/05
- [ferret_users] Adding elevation as fourth dimension,
Barry Baker, 10/19/05
- [ferret_users] Conjunction of variable with longitude/latitude information,
jammal Tanclei, 10/19/05
- [ferret_users] Plotting Satellite Wind Vectors,
Steve Guimond, 10/19/05
- [ferret_users] TMAP ERR: limit on storage for coordinates,
hengkek, 10/18/05
- [ferret_users] Re: ferret netcdf,
John Luick, 10/17/05
- [ferret_users] ferret netcdf,
John Luick, 10/16/05
- [ferret_users] combine data,
Seontae Kim, 10/14/05
- [ferret_users] loading 360_day netcdf data,
Malte Jansen, 10/14/05
- [ferret_users] CF compliant netcdf file,
Ben Burford, 10/13/05
- [ferret_users] Re: ferret -script and arguments,
Ansley Manke, 10/12/05
- [ferret_users] Projected data,
Tony Jolibois, 10/12/05
- [ferret_users] library error,
Boyin Huang, 10/11/05
- [ferret_users] a time axis for a single point?,
Helene Brogniez, 10/10/05
- [ferret_users] netcdf file with character strings,
John Luick, 10/04/05
- [ferret_users] Newer AIX version?,
Gary Strand, 10/03/05
- [ferret_users] creating a natCdf,
Timothée Brochier, 10/03/05
- [ferret_users] array subset assignment after smoothing,
John Luick, 10/02/05
- [ferret_users] need help to compute upwelling using wind vectors,
subbu mant, 09/29/05
- [ferret_users] Use of legline.jnl on time axis,
Paulo B. Oliveira, 09/28/05
- [ferret_users] how to compute upwelling,
subbu mant, 09/28/05
- [ferret_users] Two interpolation syntax questions,
Steve Guimond, 09/25/05
- [ferret_users] mixed layer average velocity (depth-integrating to an isosurface),
Andrew Wittenberg, 09/23/05
- [ferret_users] Saturation max and color palette,
Tony Jolibois, 09/23/05
- [ferret_users] Testing individual points within a loop,
Steve Guimond, 09/20/05
- [ferret_users] Can we add legend to the plots?,
Hui Du, 09/20/05
- [ferret_users] Regarding Integration,
Sharad, 09/20/05
- [ferret_users] Coordinates out of order or missing on axis longitude,
Tony Jolibois, 09/20/05
- [ferret_users] Question about regridding,
Ming Yang, 09/19/05
- [ferret_users] Trouble Displaying Curvilinear Data,
John Schattel, 09/19/05
- [ferret_users] eof,
Mark.Collier, 09/18/05
- [ferret_users]How to replace the figure legends?,
Jian Ma, 09/15/05
- [ferret_users] Question) to save series of ps files in a single file,
jammal Tanclei, 09/14/05
- [ferret_users] [ferret users] getting text from last command - data file independent variable reference,
Mark.Collier, 09/13/05
- [ferret_users] bug or change in mp_plate_caree?,
Hartmut Frenzel, 09/12/05
- [ferret_users] Graticules step?,
danish, 09/11/05
- [ferret_users] open-ended levels with shakey,
Carol Ladd, 09/07/05
- [ferret_users] grouping variables from an ensemble into a single netcdf file,
Arribas, Alberto, 09/07/05
- [ferret_users] Convert units of x and y axis from (KM) to (Degree),
Ashraf Zakey, 09/06/05
- [ferret_users] GDV conventions for Gridded Data in Netcdf,
Ashraf Zakey, 09/04/05
- [ferret_users] boundary condition for smoothing (@SPZ and friends),
Ryo Furue, 09/02/05
- [ferret_users] Error message with New Ferret Static Version,
Steve Guimond, 09/02/05
- [ferret_users] Ferret Doesn't Like units of "sigma_level",
John Schattel, 08/31/05
- [ferret_users] Fw: modulo,
Anita Gera, 08/30/05
- [ferret_users] How can I check the variable,
Hiroyuki Tomita, 08/29/05
- [ferret_users] Problems determining indices using CURV_TO_RECT_MAP,
John Schattel, 08/29/05
- [ferret_users] DODS data reading,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 08/28/05
- Re: [ferret_users] DODS data reading,
Ansley Manke, 08/29/05
- Re: [ferret_users] DODS data reading,
Peter Cornillon, 08/29/05
- Re: [ferret_users] DODS data reading,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 08/30/05
- Re: [ferret_users] DODS data reading,
Peter Cornillon, 08/30/05
- Re: [ferret_users] DODS data reading,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 09/02/05
- Re: [ferret_users] DODS data reading,
Ansley Manke, 09/02/05
- Re: [ferret_users] Error when opening nc file,
zhen.li, 09/06/05
- Re: [ferret_users] Error when opening nc file,
Tony Jolibois, 09/06/05
- Re: [ferret_users] Error when opening nc file,
zhen.li, 09/06/05
- Re: [ferret_users] Error when opening nc file,
Ansley Manke, 09/06/05
- Re: [ferret_users] Error when opening nc file,
zhen.li, 09/06/05
- Re: [ferret_users] DODS data reading,
Peter Cornillon, 09/02/05
- Re: [ferret_users] DODS data reading,
Peter Cornillon, 09/02/05
- [ferret_users] Bug with add_offset/scale_factor and descriptor files,
Peter.J.Turner, 08/25/05
- [ferret_users] assigning coordinates to var,
Mark Carson, 08/25/05
- [ferret_users] OPeNDAP (DODS) data from aggregation servers,
Ansley Manke, 08/22/05
- [ferret_users] dods data,
Namba Takaya, 08/19/05
- [ferret_users] "reverse video" PostScript,
Ryo Furue, 08/19/05
- [ferret_users] how to print label text on exact point,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 08/19/05
- [ferret_users] choose little/big endian for stream binary output,
David Wang, 08/18/05
- [ferret_users] how to label arrow,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 08/18/05
- [ferret_users] derive bathymetry from 3D temperature data,
David Wang, 08/18/05
- [ferret_users] Ferret batch / redirection problem,
Gustafson, William I, 08/17/05
- [ferret_users] How to generate a gridded ncdf file from point data table,
h barrier, 08/17/05
- [ferret_users] lon_bnds in v581,
Mark.Collier, 08/16/05
- [ferret_users] [ferret] converting excel data to ncdf,
h barrier, 08/16/05
- [ferret_users] getting vertical labelling correct on log(P) graph,
Mark.Collier, 08/15/05
- [ferret_users] why .ps file curve line is not thick,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 08/15/05
- [ferret_users] barb,
Ashraf Zakey, 08/12/05
- [ferret_users] Trouble with Ferret Crashing,
John Schattel, 08/12/05
- [ferret_users] Topex data in NetCDF,
Prakya Shree Ram, 08/11/05
- Re: [ferret_users] how to replace missing value with any string inlabel command,
Ansley Manke, 08/09/05
- [ferret_users] How to use barb with Ferret,
Ashraf Zakey, 08/09/05
- [ferret_users] How to read grads binary,
wilfran, 08/06/05
- [ferret_users] geostrophic currents,
Prakya Shree Ram, 08/05/05
- [ferret_users] how to plot only one GRAT line at the x-axis,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 08/03/05
- [ferret_users] How to get pressure axis variable in reverse order,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 08/03/05
- [ferret_users] ASCII data reading problem : "line too long" error,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 08/03/05
- [ferret_users] openDAP default value,
Thomas LOUBRIEU, 08/02/05
- [ferret_users] how to keep FERRET from modifying variable names,
Cj Beegle-Krause, 08/01/05
- [ferret_users] Standard deviation,
Namba Takaya, 08/01/05
- [ferret_users] How to obtain the x value from i and y value from j index,
Namba Takaya, 08/01/05
- [ferret_users] vector plot,
Duli Chand, 07/30/05
- [ferret_users] Re: problems in generating post script file plot,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 07/30/05
- [ferret_users] how to replace missing value with any string in label command,
Namba Takaya, 07/28/05
- [ferret_users] two tips for centered_vectors.jnl,
Sang-ki Lee, 07/28/05
- [ferret_users] ferret: Plot with uncertainty bar,
hanh nguyen, 07/28/05
- [ferret_users] new user,
Ashraf Zakey, 07/28/05
- [ferret_users] plotting numerical values of all points on map,
Audrey Eun, 07/28/05
- Re: [ferret_users] plotting numerical values of all points on map,
Mick.Spillane, 07/28/05
- Re: [ferret_users] plotting numerical values of all points on map,
Audrey Eun, 07/28/05
- Re: [ferret_users] plotting numerical values of all points on map,
Mick.Spillane, 07/29/05
- [ferret_users] Re: plotting numerical values of all points on map,
Audrey Eun, 07/31/05
- [ferret_users] Re: plotting numerical values of all points on map,
Mick.Spillane, 08/01/05
- [ferret_users] speed up PLOT/VS x,y?,
hengkek, 10/05/05
- Re: [ferret_users] speed up PLOT/VS x,y?,
William S. Kessler, 10/05/05
- [ferret_users] Problem when making EPS.,
Jian Ma, 07/25/05
- [ferret_users] problems in generating post scrip file plot,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 07/23/05
- [ferret_users] Label colors,
Bob Smith, 07/22/05
- [ferret_users] Ferret with https/ssl,
Wilz, Patrick D CTR N62306, 07/22/05
- [ferret_users] open-ended levels,
Patrick Brockmann, 07/22/05
- [ferret_users] Announcing Ferret v5.81,
Ansley Manke, 07/18/05
- [ferret_users] Skipping Missing Time Steps,
Steve Guimond, 07/11/05
- [ferret_users] Vertical interpolation,
Bruce W. Ford, 07/08/05
- Re: [ferret_users] Title label variable help,
Selina Satterfield, 07/07/05
- [ferret_users] Re: Title label variable help,
Selina Satterfield, 07/05/05
- [ferret_users] how to get Pressure(mb) axis data in reverse order,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 07/04/05
- [ferret_users] running executables,
matthew Supernaw, 07/02/05
- [ferret_users] adobe illustrator 101,
Rob Scott, 06/30/05
- [ferret_users] Re: Ferret: station data shows no variables,
James Gallagher, 06/30/05
- [ferret_users] [Ferret] about Fprint and histogram,
Gao Rongzhen, 06/30/05
- [ferret_users] [ferret]-how to define irregular z-axis,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 06/30/05
- [ferret_users] Ferret 10kyr problem,
Joerg Franke, 06/30/05
- [ferret_users] Error Message Using Polymark Script,
Steve Guimond, 06/29/05
- [ferret_users] Re:(pas de sujet),
Ansley Manke, 06/29/05
- any angle cross-section,
Livingston, Claire, 06/27/05
- Ferret: station data shows no variables,
Andrea Fey, 06/27/05
- Plotting irregular data point-by-point,
Steve Guimond, 06/23/05
- (pas de sujet),
xavier, 06/22/05
- [Ferret] using viewports, ppl and shade,
jimmyc, 06/22/05
- How to compress NetCDF float variables to 2-byte integer using Ferret5.80?,
Gus Correa, 06/22/05
- ferret: dimension naming?,
Gene-Hua Crystal Ng, 06/22/05
- MPEG encoding software,
Steve Guimond, 06/21/05
- [Ferret] contour/overlay draws extra, unwanted horizontal line,
zhen.li, 06/16/05
- [Ferret] frequency_histogram: producing a log Y axis,
jimmyc, 06/16/05
- [Ferret] question about using proleptic gregorian calendar,
Ingo.Bethke, 06/16/05
- [ferret] Beeps in MODE wait,
James Booth, 06/15/05
- monthly minimum in a yearly time series,
DELCLAUX Francois, 06/15/05
- difference of two variables with different corrdinates,
Xin Jin, 06/14/05
- Ferret: fill colors between two lines,
Gao Rongzhen, 06/14/05
- Ferret: missing values,
Gao Rongzhen, 06/14/05
- Another question about how can i know what the missing values is defined in a Netcdf data file?,
Gao Rongzhen, 06/14/05
- how to fill colors between two lines,
Gao Rongzhen, 06/14/05
- [Ferret] How can i draw a basemap with white glaciers?,
Ingo.Bethke, 06/14/05
- Ferret: A question about recognizing dimentions.,
Jian Ma, 06/13/05
- Appending Slabs to netCDF files,
Steve Guimond, 06/13/05
- [FERRET]insufficient memory when using ZAXREPLACE,
zhen.li, 06/13/05
- how to get S-N, E-W in a plot,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 06/13/05
- Ferret: Vector plots of velocity on a C-grid,
William S Kessler, 06/13/05
- griding of ASCII data file for the meridional mean,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 06/12/05
- RE: [Ferret and LAS] Problem with _bnds coordinate variable in irregu lar axis,
McCann, Mike, 06/10/05
- [Ferret and LAS] Problem with _bnds coordinate variable in irregular axis,
McCann, Mike, 06/10/05
- Ferret ts_frequency: log of the result,
jimmyc, 06/10/05
- Months of ice cover,
Gabriel Clauzet, 06/10/05
- [Ferret] A question about recognizing dimentions.,
Jian Ma, 06/10/05
- Re: ferret: Informative e-mail subject lines,
Steve Cousins, 06/09/05
- modulo regridding,
DELCLAUX Francois, 06/09/05
- axis order when useing SAVE?,
Gene-Hua Crystal Ng, 06/08/05
- Informative e-mail subject lines,
William S Kessler, 06/08/05
How to get an reversed y axis data?,
lee lindsay, 06/08/05
missing_value problem using multi-file netcdf in ferret 5.8,
Ingo.Bethke, 06/08/05
Steve Guimond, 06/07/05
Re: Thick white line for plot,
William S Kessler, 06/07/05
Problem with Opendap dataset : stack overflow,
Tony Jolibois, 06/07/05
ocean basin average,
Joerg Franke, 06/06/05
A simple problem?!,
lee lindsay, 06/06/05
Problems with postscript created from 'gksm2ps',
Gary Strand, 06/02/05
negative years,
Hein Zelle, 06/02/05
export time series from netCDF file,
Yun.Li, 06/01/05
appending data to netCDF file,
Steve Guimond, 06/01/05
Satellite Gridding Problem,
Steve Guimond, 06/01/05
Sophie Cravatte, 06/01/05
simple problem,
Julien Demaria, 06/01/05
stereographic_south projection,
Joerg Franke, 06/01/05
acute and grave accent,
Jean-Francois LE ROUX, 06/01/05
Patrick Brockmann, 05/31/05
Output difference,
Jean-Francois LE ROUX, 05/30/05
how to use 'ppl yaxis' command,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/29/05
gif for fill and shade,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/29/05
switch mode inside a ferret session?,
David Wang, 05/27/05
Grib Files,
Steve Guimond, 05/26/05
color bar data control,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/26/05
multiNetCDF descriptor, LAS, and OpenDAP,
Matt Fulgo, 05/25/05
Mass Transport,
Gabriel Clauzet, 05/24/05
shakey and color labels,
Emilie Vanvyve, 05/24/05
ascii import,
Joerg Franke, 05/24/05
Images creation from ferret,
Aggeliki Barberopoulou, 05/23/05
- Re: Images creation from ferret,
Ansley Manke, 05/24/05
- Re: Images creation from ferret,
Aggeliki Barberopoulou, 05/24/05
- Re: Images creation from ferret,
Jian Ma, 05/24/05
- Re: Images creation from ferret,
Aggeliki Barberopoulou, 05/24/05
- Re: Images creation from ferret,
Jian Ma, 05/24/05
- Re: Images creation from ferret,
Aggeliki Barberopoulou, 05/24/05
- Re: Images creation from ferret,
Jian Ma, 05/24/05
- Re: Images creation from ferret,
Ansley Manke, 06/01/05
Line thickness in postscript output,
Billy Kessler, 05/23/05
Sve as *.tif file.,
lee lindsay, 05/23/05
to deal with different time grids,
David Wang, 05/23/05
ASCII questions,
Steve Guimond, 05/22/05
Steve Cousins, 05/20/05
Re: Problems in using Ferret in windows 2000 professional,
Ansley Manke, 05/20/05
plot variables on the surface of potential temperature,
zhen.li, 05/20/05
Mark.Collier, 05/20/05
Again: plotting only data in Feburary,
Chan Joo Jang, 05/19/05
plotting only data in Feburary,
Chan Joo Jang, 05/19/05
contours and boundary between colors,
Ryo Furue, 05/19/05
Multi-file netcdf dataset via dods?,
David Wang, 05/19/05
compute avrage over certain region,
jagadish karmacharya, 05/19/05
local time computation,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 05/19/05
local extrema problem,
Hemerson Tonin, 05/19/05
Can ferret read HDF files?,
lee lindsay, 05/18/05
make scatter plot and regression,
Gao Rongzhen, 05/18/05
combine four views into one plot,
Gao Rongzhen, 05/18/05
about make_des,
jagadish karmacharya, 05/18/05
James Harle, 05/18/05
Fw: poly_vectors.jnl,
Gabriel Clauzet, 05/16/05
write cdf file using a list of selected indices,
William S Kessler, 05/15/05
FERRET: problem with Finstall,
h barrier, 05/12/05
Question about @AVE,
Ming Yang, 05/11/05
Save a netCDF with all attributes of the data source,
Tony Jolibois, 05/10/05
spatial fft,
jimmyc, 05/09/05
numerical value on x window,
jagadish karmacharya, 05/09/05
set color of contoue lines,
Gao, 05/08/05
Looping over multiple files,
zhen.li, 05/06/05
reading of quickscat wind data,
jammal Tanclei, 05/05/05
color white,
Torsten Seifert, 05/04/05
Ocean basins dataset,
Jonathan Callahan, 05/03/05
Fat white contour lines,
William S Kessler, 05/03/05
[no subject],
neeraj agarwal, 05/02/05
Line color,
Wendy Wang, 05/02/05
problem in accessing large data files,
neeraj agarwal, 05/02/05
climatology: what's going on with month_reg?,
Emilie Vanvyve, 04/29/05
Plot model data along lon/lat point from an ascii file,
Joerg Franke, 04/28/05
Wendy Wang, 04/27/05
- <Possible follow-ups>
- Re: ylab,
Billy Kessler, 04/27/05
plane rotation,
Hemerson Tonin, 04/26/05
Calculate sea ice extent area from sea ice thickness data,
Ming Yang, 04/26/05
Grid interpolation,
jimmyc, 04/26/05
Contour in a vertical plane: how to get latitude values instead of km?,
Emilie Vanvyve, 04/25/05
Large files access time,
J-M Epitalon, 04/22/05
- Re: Large files access time,
Jonathan Callahan, 04/22/05
- Re: Large files access time,
Steve Hankin, 04/25/05
- Re: Large files access time,
J-M Epitalon, 05/02/05
- Re: Large files access time,
Steve Hankin, 05/02/05
- Re: Large files access time,
J-M Epitalon, 05/03/05
- Re: Large files access time,
Steve Hankin, 05/03/05
- Re: Large files access time,
J-M Epitalon, 05/12/05
- Re: Large files access time,
Ansley Manke, 05/12/05
symbol _libc_register_forkhandler: referenced symbol not found,
Enrico.John, 04/22/05
question about GUI,
jammal Tanclei, 04/21/05
metafile problems in Win32 Ferret,
Amy J. Bratcher, 04/20/05
Re: RE: How can I draw a single color bar for multi-panelplots?,
William S Kessler, 04/20/05
How can I draw a single color bar for multi-panel plots?,
Yun.Li, 04/19/05
ps output in winxp,
ferret ocean, 04/17/05
CZCS data,
Prakya Shree Ram, 04/17/05
Ambiguous coordinates on X axis,
Hiroyuki Tomita, 04/16/05
shaded relief maps in ferret?,
Lev Tarasov, 04/14/05
Joerg Franke, 04/14/05
defining variables using IF-THEN-ELSE syntax,
Lia, 04/13/05
converting metafile to EPS,
Hein Zelle, 04/13/05
using min/max in one file to find corresponding value in another.,
Mark.Collier, 04/12/05
How to draw data on multi-grid,
Zhi Liang, 04/12/05
- Re: How to draw data on multi-grid,
Zhi Liang, 04/13/05
- Re: How to draw data on multi-grid,
Ansley Manke, 04/13/05
- Re: How to draw data on multi-grid,
Zhi Liang, 04/13/05
- tripolar data and mp_stereographic_north,
Xingren Wu, 04/20/05
- Re: tripolar data and mp_stereographic_north,
Ansley Manke, 04/20/05
- fill and contour,
Dongxiao Zhang, 04/21/05
- Re: fill and contour,
Ansley Manke, 04/22/05
problem in using ferret,
Zhi Liang, 04/12/05
@max function,
jimmyc, 04/12/05
Ferret5.70 on rh7.3,
pingtong zeng, 04/11/05
Regress script with Intercept = 0 ?,
James Orr, 04/08/05
kailasam muni krishna, 04/08/05
Integer axis,
hanh nguyen, 04/06/05
Versions later than 5.53 on Redhat 7.3,
Steve Cousins, 04/06/05
MISSING function,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 04/06/05
Script to find and plot variance ellipses,
Billy Kessler, 04/05/05
Fw: Isentropic Surface,
Steve Guimond, 04/05/05
Statistical significance test,
Janini Pereira, 04/04/05
Hardcopy: Half of a plot,
James Booth, 04/04/05
How to regrid the data,
Ming Yang, 04/01/05
Re: How to calculate the annual average,
Ansley Manke, 04/01/05
plot on a large region,
Tony Jolibois, 03/31/05
plotting IPCC stfmmc properly,
Mark.Collier, 03/31/05
Re: Time series of temperature as a function of month of maximumlixed layer depth,
Mick.Spillane, 03/30/05
Define axis,
hanh nguyen, 03/29/05
How to control grid information,
Prakya Shree Ram, 03/29/05
Lorenzo Labrador, 03/28/05
Re: file names start with a number,
Jaison Kurian, 03/24/05
Title label variable help,
Selina Satterfield, 03/24/05
Save data to ASCII file,
Ming Yang, 03/24/05
Installation on Linux AS2.1,
kawamiya, 03/24/05
ferret 5.8 does things it should not do,
Martin Schmidt, 03/22/05
Plotting PV on isentropic surface,
Steve Guimond, 03/21/05
time series plot appearance problem,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 03/21/05
Time Series,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 03/19/05
reversed map,
Laurie C G Menviel, 03/18/05
computing seasonal variances,
Helene Brogniez, 03/18/05
Fail to install in Red Hat -- help me please,
pingtong zeng, 03/16/05
Prakya Shree Ram, 03/16/05
previous version of FERRET,
Namba Takaya, 03/16/05
Big data file and limit on storage for coordinates,
McCann, Mike, 03/16/05
getting netcdf filename in a string variable,
DELCLAUX Francois, 03/16/05
using user defined variable in ferret script,
DELCLAUX Francois, 03/16/05
Re: bigendian/littleendian binary data,
Jaison Kurian, 03/16/05
CF conventions,
McCann, Mike, 03/15/05
symble font,
Boyin Huang, 03/15/05
how to append two data sets,
Prakya Shree Ram, 03/15/05
Computing Derivatives,
Steve Guimond, 03/14/05
Problem in setting up FERRET,
S Y Phoon, 03/14/05
error message,
Laurie C G Menviel, 03/14/05
representation of a single point,
Mario Germano, 03/11/05
Changing order of months in time axis,
Paul Young, 03/09/05
Latitude/Longitude problem,
Steve Guimond, 03/08/05
SGI Altix3700,
roysong, 03/02/05
How to change values in the TIME dimension?,
Ming Yang, 03/02/05
Can I get rid of ferret.jnl?,
Ming Yang, 03/02/05
How to extract one variable from the whole Netcdf file,
Ming Yang, 03/02/05
masking of land data,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 03/02/05
PMEL node Ferret downtime,
Kevin O'Brien, 03/01/05
shade plot problem from added files,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 02/27/05
how to mask the data,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 02/27/05
constant values,
James Booth, 02/25/05
woa2001 data,
Prakya Shree Ram, 02/25/05
how to do gridding,
Prakya Shree Ram, 02/25/05
Geostrophic currents,
Prakya Shree Ram, 02/25/05
ppl shakey command for shade plot(corrected mail),
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 02/24/05
ppl shakey command for the shade plot,
Yogesh Kumar Tiwari, 02/24/05
@Z and do-it-yourself italics,
Mick.Spillane, 02/23/05
go command (batch file?),
Livingston, Claire, 02/23/05
contour and color-changing lines?,
Emilie Vanvyve, 02/23/05
Position of overlay key labels,
Paulo B. Oliveira, 02/22/05
how to use the MISSING function (next mail),
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 02/22/05
how to use the MISSING function,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 02/22/05
How to fill shadow in a close contour?,
Jian Ma, 02/19/05
Log(depth) plot,
Tony Jolibois, 02/18/05
problem in regridig of data,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 02/18/05
Re: some comments,
William S Kessler, 02/17/05
Question on shade 3-arguments command,
Lee Hansoo, 02/16/05
Calculating Track Length from Latitude and Longitude,
Godin, Michael, 02/15/05
windstress vectors,
Prakya Shree Ram, 02/15/05
polytube woes,
Janet Sprintall, 02/14/05
polygon function,
regridding issue,
Namba Takaya, 02/13/05
RE: create seasonal daily anomaly,
Yun.Li, 02/13/05
about masking a field with differnt dimensionality,
Xiuhua Zhu, 02/12/05
polar stereographic projection,
Xiangdong Zhang, 02/11/05
Palette saturation in color bar,
Tony Jolibois, 02/11/05
Time axis,
hanh nguyen, 02/09/05
log axis,
jimmyc, 02/09/05
caution about negative index values (eg i=-5:5),
Mick.Spillane, 02/08/05
radius and cutoff values in scat2gridgauss_xy command,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 02/07/05
axis label,
benb, 02/07/05
list the data in the reverse order (corrected),
Namba Takaya, 02/05/05
list the data in the reverse order,
Namba Takaya, 02/05/05
colomn average and griding of ACSII file,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 02/05/05
converting abstract samplexy axis,
Joerg Franke, 02/03/05
odd numbers larger than 2^24,
Hyoun-Woo Kang, 02/01/05
griding of ASCII file,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 02/01/05
determine number of rows in an ascii file,
Steve Knox, 01/31/05
v5.8 on Mandrake,
Vincent Le Fouest, 01/31/05
question about import data,
Ming Yang, 01/30/05
source problem,
wan-zhen-wen, 01/29/05
COARE 3.0 for Ferret?,
Andrew Wittenberg, 01/29/05
curvilinear datasets,
Julien Demaria, 01/28/05
Problem with running ferret V5.6,
Yun.Li, 01/28/05
Problem with running ferret in batch,
john.hunter, 01/27/05
HHT(Hi$B#l(Bbert-Huang Tranform) with FE
hslee, 01/26/05
ERROR Y coordinate field,
Julien Demaria, 01/26/05
seasonal anomaly,
Wendy Wang, 01/26/05
ferret v5.53 and shakey,
appending netcdf.Is there limit in number of files.,
Namba Takaya, 01/25/05
Vincent Le Fouest, 01/25/05
Line between point data,
Tony Jolibois, 01/25/05
The depth at which dT/dz is maximum...,
Seontae Kim, 01/24/05
About interpolations...,
Miguel Angel, 01/22/05
How to get a thicker line.,
Jian Ma, 01/21/05
variance calculation,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 01/20/05
Curve with arrow.,
Jian Ma, 01/20/05
RE: Concatenating netcdf files,
Yun.Li, 01/20/05
SVD of coupled fields - update,
Hemerson Tonin, 01/19/05
SVD code,
Hemerson Tonin, 01/19/05
need help to understand the variance calculation in ferret,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 01/19/05
cross section,
jimmyc, 01/18/05
How to plot data at particular time of a file,
Yogesh K. Tiwari, 01/18/05
problem of the extenal function -- lsl_lowpass,
alutw, 01/18/05
How to start with,
Prakya Shree Ram, 01/17/05
wind barbs,
Jonathan Callahan, 01/13/05
reading a HDF swap file,
Benyang Tang, 01/12/05
lastest FERRET on IBM AIX,
Landry Brunel, 01/12/05
one plot bringing two metafiles up,
Hemerson Tonin, 01/11/05
question about v5d (compiling),
Hemerson Tonin, 01/10/05
about color key and plot a rectangular,
Rongzhen Gao, 01/10/05
plotting global attributes,
Livingston, Claire, 01/10/05
sorting in a multi-dimensional dataset,
Sim Larkin, 01/07/05
- Re: sorting in a multi-dimensional dataset,
Jaison Kurian, 01/17/05
- white space at the edge of colored contour plot,
Sang-ki Lee, 02/14/05
- Re: white space at the edge of colored contour plot,
Ansley Manke, 02/15/05
- Re: white space at the edge of colored contour plot,
Steve Hankin, 02/15/05
- some comments,
Sang-ki Lee, 02/17/05
- Re: some comments,
Ansley Manke, 02/17/05
- Re: some comments,
Sang-ki Lee, 02/18/05
* * * Announcing Ferret Version 5.80 * * *,
Ansley Manke, 01/07/05
Ferret Newbie AIX Version Question,
Selina Satterfield, 01/06/05
Discontinuous time axis seen as continuous,
Patrick Brockmann, 01/06/05
polar stereographic projection plot,
Muyin Wang, 01/05/05
sunset and sunrise time,
Namba Takaya, 01/05/05
closest distance,
Namba Takaya, 01/05/05
change T-axis,
=?gb2312?B?uN/I2dXk?=, 01/04/05
determine T0 from Netcdf header,
Steve Knox, 01/03/05
Sharad, 01/02/05
Re: Re: label the value of a nunmber variable,
=?gb2312?B?uN/I2dXk?=, 01/02/05
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