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Re: [ferret_users] Ferret gksm2ps

william s. kessler wrote:

> I have the same problem and also don't know how to get rid of these
> lines. It is very unfortunate, and I think it is deeply embedded in
> the way Ferret does color-filled plots. A klugey workaround is to
> make a gif plot at very large size. That is often sharp enough that
> it can be reduced to normal size and still appear crisp. But it is
> not a very good solution.

This problem is due to antialiasing in your viewing/converting program
that displays postscript on screen or writes it to a bitmap file. I
can reproduce the lines by opening a Ferret-generated postscript file
with 'gv' in linux. If I turn antialiasing on, it will show the
stripes. If I turn it off, the fonts appear 'pixelated' on screen, but
the graphics look fine.  The postscript file will print fine no matter
what option I use - this is only relevant for bitmapped images.

I convert my Ferret postscript to .eps and .png with the following

ps2epsi ferret_output.ps ferret_output.eps
convert +antialias -density 300x300 ferret_output.eps ferret_output.png

If I remove the +antialias option, I get the stripes in the output png
as well. Attached is my 'fprint' script which automates everything -
just do the following from inside ferret:

set mode metafile
! make plot here
cancel mode metafile
spawn fprint my_plot.eps       ! produces both .eps and .png

If you rename or symlink the script so it's called "rfprint" it will
automatically remove the the metafile.plt files that are left behind.
Rename or link the script to "bwprint" and "rbwprint" to achieve the
same for black/white plots, e.g.:

spawn rfprint my_plot.eps      ! also removes metafile.plt

I hope that solves your problem.

     Hein Zelle


 Unix is user friendly. It's just very particular about who 
 it's friends are.

 Hein Zelle                     hein@icce.rug.nl


set inputfn="metafile.plt"
set outputfn="output.ps"
set myname=`basename $0`
set convert=ps2epsi
set makepng="convert +antialias -density 300x300"

if ($1 == "-h" || $1 == "--help") then
	echo ""
	echo "Usage: $myname [input.plt] <output.[e]ps>"
        echo "    Input is optional, 'metafile.plt' assumed by default."
        echo "    If no arguments are given, values are requested interactively."
	echo ""
	echo "Converts a Ferret metafile to (encapsulated) postscript, and"
        echo "sets a proper boundingbox."

	if ($myname == "rfprint") then
		echo "Input file is removed after processing."

	echo ""
	exit 0

if ($1 == "") then
	# no arguments, ask interactively
	echo -n "enter input filename [metafile.plt] ? "
	set tmpin = $<
	if ($tmpin != "") set inputfn = $tmpin

	echo -n "enter output filename [output.eps] ? "
	set tmpout = $<
	if ($tmpout != "") set outputfn = $tmpout
	if ($2 == "") then
		# one argument
		set outputfn = $1
		# two arguments (or more)
		set inputfn = $1
		set outputfn = $2

if ($myname == "bwprint" || $myname == "rbwprint") then
    echo -n "Fprint -l ps -R -o $outputfn $inputfn ... "
    Fprint -l ps -R -o $outputfn $inputfn
    echo -n "Fprint -l cps -R -o $outputfn $inputfn ... "
    Fprint -l cps -R -o $outputfn $inputfn

echo "done."

#echo "psfixbb $outputfn ... "
#psfixbb $outputfn
#echo "done."

# set epsfile=`basename $outputfn .ps`.eps
set epsfile=${outputfn}.tmp
set pngfile=`dirname $outputfn`/`basename $outputfn .eps`.png
#echo -n "$convert $outputfn EPS:$epsfile ... "
#$convert $outputfn EPS:$epsfile
echo -n "$convert $outputfn $epsfile ... "
$convert $outputfn $epsfile
mv $epsfile $outputfn
echo -n "$makepng $outputfn $pngfile ... "
$makepng $outputfn $pngfile
echo "done."

if ($myname == "rfprint" || $myname == "rbwprint") then
	echo -n "rm $inputfn ... "
	rm $inputfn
	echo "done."

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