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Re: [ferret_users] DODS data reading

Hi Yogesh,

On Aug 30, 2005, at 6:27 AM, Yogesh K. Tiwari wrote:

Hello Ansley and Peter,

Many thanks for for pining down my DODS data reading problem.

In fact my browser as well was giving the same message of the url link which Ansley quoted in his mail which he got from his browser-
Strange, the URL that I am using worked in both Safari and Internet-Explorer on my Mac. Here is the URL that I am using:

http://g0dug03u.ecs.nasa.gov/dods-bin/nph-dods/datapool/MOAA/ MYD08_M3.004/2003.05.01/MYD08_M3.A2003121.004.2004136064318.hdf.ascii? Optical_Depth_Land_And_Ocean_Mean_Mean[0:1:179][0:1:359]

Did you remember to append the .ascii after the file name and before the constraint? When I used the above URL without the .ascii I got an error similar to what you got. Browsers do not know how to handle the OPeNDAP data stream. The .ascii tells the server to convert the OPeNDAP data stream to an ASCII data stream.



Error {
code = 0;
message = "This DODS server does not know how to serve the dataset `/datapool/MOAA/MYD08_M3.004/2003.05.01/ MYD08_M3.A2003121.004.2004136064318.'
It maybe that the server has not been configured for this type of dataset.
Please double check the URL for errors and, if you think that the URL is
correct, please contact the DODS user support coordinator at: support@unidata.ucar.edu";


I am looking forward the help from the persons to whome Peter mentioned as well as if any other DODS data expert could jump in this for the help.

Thanks in advance to all,


Cornillon wrote:
Hi Yogesh,
There may be something wrong with the way that the OPeNDAP (a.k.a. DODS) server is returning the metadata. OPeNDAP returns three data types to the requesting client, the data itself and two different groups of metadata, the dds which provides information about the structure of the data, the data type, dimensions of arrays, etc. and the das which provides information about the variables themselves, the units used, the long name if there is one, etc. From both Matlab and my web browser I can access all of these. However when I try to access the data set from the OPeNDAP Data Connector, a Java based program designed to read and display OPeNDAP accessible data, I get an error when it tries to access the das. My guess is that the problem is that what is being returned doesn't conform exactly to the OPeNDAP data access protocol, but that it is very close and that Matlab and my browser are ignoring the slight inconsistency. I have copied James Gallagher on this message. He is the technical lead for OPeNDAP and should be able to give a more definitive answer.
On Aug 29, 2005, at 1:29 PM, Ansley Manke wrote:
HI Yogesh,
It looks like this may be due to a problem with the way the DODS server is configured. I opened the links you show in my browser and get this message.

"http://g0dug03u.ecs.nasa.gov/dods-bin/nph-dods/datapool/MOAA/ MYD08_M3.004/2003.05.01/MYD08_M3.A2003121.004.2004136064318.hdf? Optical_Depth_Land_And_Ocean_Mean_Mean[0:1:179][0:1:359]"

Error {
code = 0;
message = "This DODS server does not know how to serve the dataset `/datapool/MOAA/MYD08_M3.004/2003.05.01/MYD08_M3.A2003121.004.'
It maybe that the server has not been configured for this type of dataset.
Please double check the URL for errors and, if you think that the URL is
correct, please contact the DODS user support coordinator at: support@unidata.ucar.edu";

(DODS experts please jump in if there's more to this.)


Yogesh K. Tiwari wrote:

Hello Ferret Users,

I am using ferret v5.80 in suse linux.

First time I am using DODS data server.

I tried to open the MODIS/AQUA-atmosphere (Level3, monthly grided)) aerosol optical depth data kept at the DODS server(after taking the url from the server) :-

yes? use "http://g0dug03u.ecs.nasa.gov/dods-bin/nph-dods/datapool/MOAA/ MYD08_M3.004/2003.05.01/MYD08_M3.A2003121.004.2004136064318

yes? show data
currently SET data sets:
1> http://g0dug03u.ecs.nasa.gov/dods-bin/nph-dods/datapool/MOAA/ MYD08_M3.004/2003.05.01/MYD08_M3.A2003121.004.2004136064318.hd
f?Optical_Depth_Land_And_Ocean_Mean_Mean[0:1:179][0:1:359] (default)
name title I J K L



show data in ferret , dosent show any variable.

What I am doing wrong ?

Should I use another ferret version, other thans v5.8, as Ansley mentioned recently ?

Pls help.

Many thanks,


Peter Cornillon
Graduate School of Oceanography - Telephone: (401) 874-6283
University of Rhode Island - Fax: (401) 874-6728
Narragansett, RI 02882 - E-mail: pcornillon@gso.uri.edu


Yogesh Tiwari,
Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry,
Hans-Knoell Strasse 10,
D-07745 Jena,

Office   : 0049 3641 576 376
Home     : 0049 3641 223 163
Fax      : 0049 3641 577 300
Cell     : 0049 1520 4591 008
e-mail   : yogesh.tiwari@bgc-jena.mpg.de

Peter Cornillon
Graduate School of Oceanography - Telephone: (401) 874-6283
University of Rhode Island - Fax: (401) 874-6728
Narragansett, RI 02882 - E-mail: pcornillon@gso.uri.edu

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