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Re: [ferret_users] plotting numerical values of all points on map

Thanks for the example.  I've been trying to use LABEL for this
purpose but have trouble extracting the lat/lon coordinates from the
data set as these are not explicit variables. Is there a way to do
this?  I also need these lat/lon values to plot gridlines.

With the following command, the numerical values are plotted at 1
degree interval instead of 1/12 degree. I've also tried specifying
X=103:105:0.083333, but this doesn't match the lat/lon values exactly
and are not plotted as well

REPEAT/X=103:105 (REPEAT/Y=2:4 (LET xyvalue=PT[L=1,K=1,X=`X`,Y=`Y`];
LABEL/OVERLAY `X`,`Y`,-1,0,0,0.06 "`xyvalue`"))

Anyway to get around this?


On 7/28/05, Mick.Spillane@noaa.gov <Mick.Spillane@noaa.gov> wrote:
> On Thu, 28 Jul 2005, Audrey Eun wrote:
> > Is there a way to plot out all the numerical values of points on a
> > map, say temperature for a particular depth and time step for a
> > specified region?
> Hi Audrey,
>        One way would be to use the label command -- for example
> plot/i=1:10 1/i
> repeat/i=1:10 ( label `i` `1/i` 0 0 0.1 @sr@p2(`i`,`1/i`) )
> The backward quotes get the numerical value of the enclosed variable.
> Two things to note. 1) If a simple numerical value is used as a plot
> label it is safer to precede it with a font or pen selector (@sr or
> @p2 for example). 2) The demo above shows that the number of decimal
> places varies between labels when the values are not integers. In
> cases like this you could use something like
>        let v=1/i
>        let vlab=int(100*v)/100
>        repeat/i=1:10 ( label `i` `1/i` 0 0 0.1 @sr@p2(`i`,`vlab`) )
> to show at most 2 digits after the decimal point.
> Good luck,
> Mick
> |!!! Mick.Spillane@noaa.gov !!!|
> |__Room 2070 Bldg#3 NOAA/PMEL__|
> |____Phone_:_(206)526-6780_____|

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