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Re: difference of two variables with different corrdinates

Hi Xin,
The two variables have to be on the same grid.

You can use the CURV_TO_RECT_MAP and CURV_TO_RECT function to regrid the data that's in curvilinear coordinates to the rectilinear grid, and then subtract temp2.  Or, use RECT_TO_CURV to put temp2 onto the curvilinear grid of temp1.  RECT_TO_CURV runs much faster than CURV_TO_RECT so it might be a good choice, depending on what you are going to do with the differences.


Xin Jin wrote:
Hi all,

With 3-argument, the SHADE  commands can create output in "curvilinear" coordinates. My question is :

are there any easy way to get difference between two variables, one (temp1) with
"curvilinear" coordinate and the other(temp2) with normal longitude- latitude coordinate? That is how to get or display




Xin Jin
Inst.of Geophysics and Planetary Physics
University of California Los Angeles
5845 Slichter Hall
Los Angeles, CA 90095-4996, USA
phone: (310) 825 4526
fax  : (310) 206 3051
email: xjin@igpp.ucla.edu

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