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Re: Time series of temperature as a function of month of maximumlixed layer depth

On Wed, 30 Mar 2005,  Audine Laurian ( Alban Lazar)  wrote:
> I have a monthly temperature field over 55 years ...
> I can compute the month of maximum MLD using @weq but then I have to
> specify the time region (a: beginning of current year; b: end of
> current year) when I do "integrand[l=a:b@sum]". But a and b change with
> a period of 12 months.
> Is there an easy way of computing a new time axis consisting of 55
> values, each of them being the month of maximum MLD of year i, i=1:55?

Hi Audine,
	Perhaps the RESHAPE function would solve your difficulty. By
converting your dataset from a time series of temperature profiles
to a month,year grid of profiles then in searching each year for the
month of maximum MLD you would have a fixed range 1:12 to search.

	The RESHAPE function uses Fortran order in distributing the
data to the new grid. So you need to be careful in designing the
month,year grid. Rather than a mass of definitions, I find it easier
to write out intermediate results to new files so that I can check
the progress of my calculation at each major stage and know that the
next round of definitions is not going to undo or foul up something
done previously.

	With these thoughts in mind, here is an example that may give
you some ideas to add to your own. Hope it helps; I know working on
the demo gave me a better feeling for RESHAPE, and what happened when
I wrote out the RESHAPEd data was quite unexpected (see !!! below).
	Good luck,

STEP 0 : A sample dataset - 55 years of monthly temperature profiles
         at depths z=0:100:1 meters

def axis/t=15-jan-1950:15-dec-2005/npoints=660 tax
def axis/depth/z=0:100:1 zax
def grid/z=zax/t=tax grd
! use tanh function to represent thermocline with random center depth
! z0 and half thickness dz. t0 is the random temperature at z0
let z0=50+10*randn(t[g=grd])
let dz=10+5*randu(t[g=grd])
let t0=20+randn(t[g=grd])
let arg=(z[g=grd]-z0)/dz
let expa=exp(arg)
let/title="Temperature" v=t0-(expa-1/expa)/(expa+1/expa)

! take a look at the profiles ...
plot/l=1/hlim=15:25/nolab v
repeat/l=2:660 (plot/o/nolab/line=1 v)
! ... then save this test data file
save/file=Audine1.nc v

STEP 1 : RESHAPE the data in the real data file or the one produced
         in STEP 0 above.

use Audine1.nc
show grid/all v
! the incoming data is on a Z-T grid where Z=0:100:1 is the depth and
! l=1:660 are the 55 years of monthly data. The Fortran order has Z
! varying fastest then T. We want to RESHAPE the data to put time on
! a month,year (12x55) grid but preserve the "depth" axis. Because of
! Fortran order we have to assign X (or Y) to represent depth, then
! Y (or Z) to represent Month and the third index to represent Year.
def axis/x=0:100:1 depth
def axis/y=1:12:1  month
def axis/t=1950:2004:1 year
let outgrid=x[gx=depth]+y[gy=month]+t[gt=year]
let/title="Temperature" vr=reshape(v,outgrid)
sho grid/all vr
! check that all is well by plotting profile ... v[L=27] should be the
! same as vr[j=3,t=1952]
plot v[L=27]
plot/o/vs vr[j=3,t=1952],x[g=vr]
! notice that, because of the reshaping, plot/vs was necessary for overlay
! But all looks well so ...
save/file=Audine2.nc vr

!!! Something interesting happened here - I had set up the "depth" axis
!!! of the reshaped data to be along X. But, at least in FERRET v5.70,
!!! ferret did me a favour when it wrote Audine2.nc . It reassigned
!!! the axes so that Z is the depth axis again! Perhaps this was due
!!! to the axis names I chose, but any way it a plus. However it is
!!! something to check when you read back your RESHAPEd data ... are
!!! the axes what you expect.
!!! NOTE TO SELF: Could this treatment by ferret solve the issue where
!!! reshaping monthly data to z(1:12) by t(year range) loses the nice
!!! formatting of date in year vs month plots?

Try this with your version of ferret
use Audine1.nc
use Audine2.nc
sho data
plot v[d=1,l=27]
plot/o/sym=3 vr[j=3,l=3] ! no need for the "clunky" plot/vs

STEP 3: Now with the reshaped data file we want to design a mask that
        represents the month, in each year, that has the maximum MLD.
	How to define the mixed layer depth (MLD) is a matter of choice,
        based on the data of course.
	Just for convenience, and not implying that this is a good
	choice, let me define (for my evenly spaced test data) the MLD
        as the depth where the temperature gradient is most negative.

use Audine1.nc
use Audine2.nc
sho data
let/title="Temp Gradient" dtdz=vr[z=@ddc]
let/title="Steepest Gradient" dtdz0=dtdz[z=@min]
let/title="MLD Mask" mmld=if(dtdz eq dtdz0)then z[g=vr]
let/title="MLD" mld=mmld[z=@max]  ! pick off the only non-missing value
! for example
plot v[d=1,l=27] ; plot/o/sym=3 vr[j=3,l=3] ! the March 1952 profile
list mld[j=3,l=3] ! for my test data this gives MLD=41m
plot/o/vs/sym=18/line=2 vr[j=3,l=3,z=41],41

! So far so good. Although you would probably substitute a better
! definition of what MLD should be, let us stay with this for the demo.
! We can now shade MLD
shade mld

! and the next step is to design a mask so as to pick off, for each
! year, the month with the largest MLD
let/title="Max MLD" mldx=mld[j=@max]
let/title="Month Mask" mmask=if(mld eq mldx)then j[g=vr]
let/title="Month" month=mmask[j=@max]
plot/o/vs/sym=18/line=13 t[g=vr],month

! now is the point at which you would want to do your calculation
! for the chosen profile in each year. As an example let me define
! vr[z=@sum] as a "heat content". Using "month" as a mask to set
! all but the chosen profile to missing value I can defile
let/title="Masked Profile" vm=if(j[g=vr] eq month)then vr
let/title="Selected Profile" vs=vm[j=@sum]
shade vs  ! shades the selected profile from each year
let/title="Heat Content" hc=vs[z=@sum]
plot hc   ! plots this crude measure of heat content

! final check ... the selected profile for the year 1951 should
! match the "raw data" profile for the appropriate month. For me ...
list month[t=1951]
! gives April (4) so the time index in the original dataset should
! be (1951-1950-1)*12+4=16 , the 16th profile in the series
plot v[d=1,l=16]
plot/o/sym=3 vs[t=1951]   ! the profiles coincide
list v[d=1,l=16,z=@sum]
list hc[t=1951]           ! the heat contents agree

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