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Re: masking of land data

Hello Mick,

Thanks for the suggation, great !

It works.

But how to save the file if land data masked or ocean data masked.

Or I am thinking wrong ?

Actually I want to mask the data then save the files and then add all jan to dec files and then
make the time series of land or ocean mask.

But I am not sure I am thinking positive.

Can you help me to resolve this.

The script which worked for mask, looks like :-

use airs_jan.nc
!sh dat
use etopo20
shade/o/pal=grey if(rose ge 0) then 1
fill CO2[d=1];go land 7
shade/o/pal=grey if(rose ge 0) then 1
def grid/x=xlon/y=ylat grd
def grid/like=CO2[d=1] grd
let myrose=rose[d=2,g=grd]
shade/o/pal=black if(myrose ge 0)then 1
let land=if(myrose ge 0)then 1 else 0
let vland=if(land eq 1)then CO2[d=1]
fill vland

Many thsnks,


Mick.Spillane@noaa.gov wrote:
On Wed, 2 Mar 2005, Yogesh K. Tiwari wrote:

How to mask the land  data to see the monthly
variation(time series) at only ocean and vice versa.

Hi Yogesh,
	What you need to do is to access one of the bathymetry files
and use it to define a land/sea mask ON THE SAME GRID as your dataset.
Try the following ... good luck,

!-------- demo of land/sea mask generation -----------

! FERRET SESSION 1 - make a fake dataset in a lat-lon region
def axis/x=100e:160e:1/units=longitude xax
def axis/y=50s:10s:1/units=latitude yax
def grid/x=xax/y=yax grd
let v=randu(x[g=grd]+y[g=grd])
save/file=mydata.nc v
quit                      ! end the ferret session

! 1) read in the datafile (with no mask of its own) ...
use mydata.nc
shade v

! 2) pick a bathymetry file (a bit finer than your data grid)
use etopo20

! 3) see how it looks ...
shade/o/pal=grey if(rose ge 0)then 1

! 4) give a name to the grid of the variable you want to examine
def grid/like=v[d=1] grd

! 5) regrid "rose" to the grid of your variable and check it out
let myrose=rose[d=2,g=grd]
shade/o/pal=black if(myrose ge 0)then 1

! 6) define the mask and use it to define vland ...
let land=if(myrose ge 0)then 1 else 0
let vland=if(land eq 1)then v[d=1]
shade vland

! 7) ... and vsea
let vsea=if(land eq 0)then v[d=1]
shade vsea


Yogesh K. Tiwari,
Max-Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry,
Beutenberg Campus, Hans-Knoell-Strasse 10,
D-07745 Jena,

Office   : 0049 3641 576 376
Home     : 0049 3641 223 163
Fax      : 0049 3641 577 300
Cell     : 0049 1520 4591 008
e-mail   : yogesh.tiwari@bgc-jena.mpg.de

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