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Re: ERROR Y coordinate field

Hi Julien,
I don't see anything wrong with your scripts. You might try closing
the coastline file inside script gg. Somehow it seems that the comands
in gg.jnl may be trying to read data that does not exist into the variables
v1 and v2 (though this does not happen with a quick test that I tried.)

After the script runs and you see the error, try commands like
LIST/I=1:20 v1, v2

to see if you can diagnose what is happening. Also, you can begin
your script with the command
which will output text lines as the script runs, and you will be able to see
where Ferret is doing read operations, and so on. That might be helpful.


Julien Demaria wrote:


I need some help on a little code, I really don't understand why I've this error "**ERROR: all data have same value: Y coordinate field" :

the script:
use out.nc
repeat/l=2:3 ( \
fill/i=3:28/j=5:35/axes=1,1,1,1/line/key rain + 2, longicrs, latitcrs ; \
go gg ; \
frame/file=toto`l`.gif )

the file gg.jnl:
set data/save
set grid/save
define axis/x/x=1:150000:1 longmax
define grid/x=longmax biggrid
columns/skip=1/grid=biggrid coastline_france.txt
set var/bad=-9999 v1
set var/bad=-9999 v2
plot/over/nolabels/noaxis/vs/line=14 v1, v2
set data/restore
set grid/restore

ncdump -h out.nc :
netcdf out {
time = 97 ;
i_cross = 39 ;
j_cross = 30 ;
pressure = 22 ;
float time(time) ;
time:units = "minutes since 2005-01-11 00:00:00" ;
time:long_name = "time" ;
float latitcrs(i_cross, j_cross) ;
latitcrs:units = "degrees" ;
latitcrs:long_name = "LATITUDE (SOUTH NEGATIVE)" ;
float longicrs(i_cross, j_cross) ;
longicrs:units = "degrees" ;
longicrs:long_name = "LONGITUDE (WEST NEGATIVE)" ;
float rain(time, i_cross, j_cross) ;
rain:units = "cm" ;
float vnorm(time, i_cross, j_cross) ;
vnorm:units = "m s{-1}" ;
vnorm:long_name = "10-meter Speed Norm" ;
float tau(time, i_cross, j_cross) ;
tau:units = "-" ;
tau:long_name = "Optical Thickness" ;

The error happens when l=3, on the second loop of the repeat.

If I remove the biggrid use in the gg.jnl file, it works ! Why ?

I've also seen the same error with X on another similar code...

Thanks in advance for help,


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