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Ferret.el release 0.03.0

Whoops, well there was a slight mistake in the recently announced version
0.02.3 that broke the highlighting of comment statements. Since I was almost
ready with the next beta release, I made the fix to that version and now
release this version (sentances like that are due to running out of coffee)

            Changes to version 0.03.0
            Added PPLUS commands
            Added PPLUS qualifiers
            Added symbol name highlighting, i.e., "$string"
            Added version update history in file
            Allowed function and shell commands with embedded "."
            Fixed problem with 0.02.03 that broke comments
            Files highlighted for USE and SET DATA (except with qualifiers)
            Removed ca as abbreviation for cancel

;;; ferret.el --- Ferret mode for GNU Emacs

;; Copyright (c) 1999 by Mark A. Verschell <verschell@neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>

;; Author: Mark A. Verschell <verschell@neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>
;; Maintainer: Mark A. Verschell <verschell@neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov>
;; Version 0.03.0 (February 2, 2000)
;; Keywords: languages

;; Ferret.el is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
;; the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, published by the
;; Free Software Foundation.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
;; with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA,
;; or refer to the WWW document "http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html";.

;; Ferret.el is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
;; more details.

;; Information about "Ferret", a graphical analysis tool for gridded data, can
;; be found at "http://ferret.wrc.noaa.gov/Ferret/";

;; Documentation
;; -------------
;; IMPORTANT NOTE: This only works with X-windows emacs, and only for
;; semi-recent versions of emacs (18.xx and above)
;; This is Ferret mode for GNU emacs, a major mode designed to facilitate the
;; writing of journal files for "Ferret", a graphical analysis tool for
;; gridded data.
;; Ferret mode for emacs is limited at this time to font-lock coverage
;; This means that the following is supported:
;;   Commands, subcommands, and aliases with most abbreviations
;;   Command and subcommand qualifiers with most abbreviations
;;   Comments starting with ! anywhere on line are supported
;;   Subroutines (go calls) are supported
;;   Shell command called by spawn is supported
;;   Strings are supported between ""
;;   Functions, operators, and transformations are supported
;;   Font-lock mode is case-insensitive
;; Version updates
;;   0.02.2 - Corrected small error to make vector a recognized command
;;   0.02.3 - Allowed function and shell commands with embedded "_"
;;            Added noaxis to list of qualifiers
;;            Allowed abbreviation can for cancel
;;   0.03.0 - Added PPLUS commands
;;            Added PPLUS qualifiers
;;            Added symbol name highlighting
;;            Added version update history
;;            Allowed function and shell commands with embedded "."
;;            Fixed problem with 0.02.03 that broke comments
;;            Files highlighted for USE and SET DATA (except with qualifiers)
;;            Removed ca as abbreviation for cancel
;; I will take (friendly-worded) suggestions for improvements. Obviously, if I
;; get no comments, then I will only update this as I find it useful.

;; Usage
;; -----
;; - You need a local directory to store the ferret.el file, I call mine Emacs,
;;   so in the following block replace the /d9/verschell/Emacs with your local
;;   directory
;; - Place the ferret.el file in this directory
;; - Compile the ferret.el file
;;     Enter emacs while in the ferret.el directory
;;     ESC x byte-compile-file RETURN ferret.el RETURN
;; - This gives you ferret.elc
;; - Make the following modifications to your .emacs file
;; ;;; Add local function directory to emacs search path
;; (setq load-path (cons "/d9/verschell/Emacs" load-path))
;; ;;; Add automatic ferret-mode for .jnl suffix
;; (setq auto-mode-alist (cons '("\.jnl$" . ferret-mode) auto-mode-alist))
;; ;;; Load Ferret major-mode (modified text mode)
;; (load "ferret")
;; ;;; Font lock mode
;; (cond ((fboundp 'global-font-lock-mode)
;;             ;; Turn on font-lock in all modes that support it
;;             (global-font-lock-mode t)
;;             ;; Maximum colors
;;             (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration t)))
;; <<<CUT HERE>>>
;; - exit emacs
;; - the next time you edit a ferret file, you should get lots of pretty colors

;; Bugs to verschell@neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov

;;; Code:

(defconst ferret-mode-version "version 0.03.0")

(defgroup ferret nil
  "Ferret mode for Emacs"
  :group 'languages)

;; font-lock-comment-face        - COMMENTS
;; font-lock-function-name-face  - FUNCTION NAMES, SHELL COMMANDS
;; font-lock-keyword-face        - COMMANDS, SUBCOMMANDS, OPERATORS, FUNCTIONS,
;;                                 TRANSFORMATIONS
;; font-lock-reference-face
;; font-lock-string-face         - STRINGS
;; font-lock-type-face           - QUALIFIERS
;; font-lock-variable-name-face

(let ((comment-chars "!")
;      ("alias" "animate" "axis" "cancel" "commands" "contour" "data_set"
;       "dataset" "define" "elif" "else" "endif" "exit" "expression" "file"
;       "fill" "frame" "function" "grid" "help" "if" "label" "let" "list"
;       "load" "memory" "message" "mode" "movie" "palette" "plot" "pplus"
;       "queries" "query" "quit" "region" "repeat" "save" "say" "set" "shade"
;       "show" "statistics" "symbol" "then" "transform" "unalias" "use" "user"
;       "variable" "vector" "viewport" "window" "wire"))
       (concat "a\\(lias?\\|nima?t?e?\\|xis\\)\\|"
;       "all" "append" "aspect" "bad" "brief" "clear" "clip" "clobber"
;       "columns" "command" "compress" "continue" "d" "data_set" "dataset"
;       "default" "depth" "di" "diag" "dj" "dk" "dl" "dt" "dx" "dy" "dynamic"
;       "dz" "external" "ez" "file" "fill" "format" "frame" "free" "from_data"
;       "fromdata" "full" "grid" "heading" "help" "i" "ignore" "ilimits" "j"
;       "jlimits" "k" "key" "klimits" "l" "laser" "last" "length" "levels"
;       "like" "line" "llimits" "location" "modulo" "name" "new" "noaxes"
;       "noaxis" "noerror" "nohead" "nokey" "nolabel" "npoints" "nouser" "opt1"
;       "opt2" "order" "origin" "overlay" "palette" "pen" "permanent"
;       "precision" "quiet" "reset" "restore" "rigid" "save" "set_up" "single"
;       "size" "skip" "start" "symbol" "t" "t0" "temporary" "text" "title"
;       "tlimits" "tranpose" "units" "user" "variable" "viewpoint" "vs" "x"
;       "xlimits" "xskip" "y" "ylimits" "yskip" "z" "zlimits" "zscale"
       (concat "a\\(ll\\|ppe?n?d?\\|spe?c?t?\\)\\|"
;       "and" "eq" "ge" "gt" "le" "lt" "ne" "or"
       (concat "and\\|eq\\|g[et]\\|l[et]\\|ne\\|or"))
;       "abs" "acos" "asin" "atan" "atan2" "cos" "days1900" "exp" "ignore0"
;       "int" "ln" "log" "max" "min" "missing" "mod" "randn" "randu" "reshape"
;       "rho_un" "sin" "tan" "theta_fo" "times2" "unravel" "zaxreplace"
       (concat "a\\(bs\\|cos\\|sin\\|tan2?\\)\\|cos\\|days1900\\|exp\\|"
;       "asn" "ave" "ave" "cda" "cdb" "cia" "cib" "ddb" "ddc" "ddf" "din"
;       "fav" "fln" "fnr" "iin" "itp" "lin" "loc" "max" "max" "min" "min"
;       "mod" "modmax" "modmin" "modngd" "modsum" "modvar" "nbd" "ngd" "ngd"
;       "rsum" "sbn" "sbx" "shf" "shn" "spz" "sum" "sum" "swl" "var" "var"
;       "weq" "xact"
       (concat "a\\(sn\\|ve\\)\\|c\\(d[ab]\\|i[ab]\\)\\|d\\(d[bcf]\\|in\\)\\|"
;      ("aline" "axatic" "axlabp" "axlen" "axlint" "axlsze" "axnmtc" "axnsig"
;      "axset" "axtype" "box" "clsplt" "color" "conpre" "conpst" "conset"
;      "contour" "cross" "datpt" "dfltfnt" "fill" "hlabs" "labs" "labset" "lev"
;      "line" "list" "llabs" "markh" "origin" "pen" "plot" "plotuv" "plotv"
;      "pltnme" "rlabs" "shade" "shakey" "shaset" "taxis" "tics" "time" "title"
;      "txlabp" "txlint" "txlsze" "txnmtc" "txtype" "veckey" "vecset" "vector"
;      "velvct" "view" "vpoint" "xaxis" "xfor" "xlab" "yaxis" "yfor" "ylab"))
       (concat "a\\(line\\|x\\(atic\\|l\\(abp\\|en\\|int\\|sze\\)\\|n\\(mtc\\|"
;       "nooverlay" "nowait" "noyaxis" "wait" "yaxis"
       (concat "no\\(overlay\\|wait\\|yaxis\\)\\|wait\\|yaxis"))

  (setq ferret-font-lock-keywords
    '("\"[^'\n]*'?" . font-lock-comment-face)
    (cons (concat "$[A-Za-z0-9$]*") 'font-lock-variable-name-face)
    (list (concat
	   "\\<\\(data[_]*?s?e?t?\\|go\\|spawn?\\|use\\)\\>[ \t]*\\(\\sw+\\)?")
       '(1 font-lock-keyword-face)
       '(2 font-lock-function-name-face nil t))
   (cons (concat "\\/\\(" ferret-qualifiers "\\)\\>") 'font-lock-type-face)
   (cons (concat "\\/\\(" pplus-qualifiers "\\)\\>") 'font-lock-type-face)
   (concat "\\<\\(" ferret-keywords "\\)\\>")
   (concat "\\<\\(" pplus-keywords "\\)\\>")
   (concat "\\<\\(" ferret-operators "\\)\\>")
   (concat "\\<\\(" ferret-functions "\\)\\>")
   (concat "\\@\\(" ferret-transformations "\\)\\>")
  "Default expressions to highlight in Ferret mode.")

(require 'derived)

(define-derived-mode ferret-mode text-mode "Ferret"
  "Major mode for editing ferret .jnl files.
Special commands:
  (set (make-local-variable 'comment-start) "! ")
  (set-syntax-table (copy-syntax-table))
  (modify-syntax-entry ?! "<")
  (modify-syntax-entry ?\n ">")
  (modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w")
  (modify-syntax-entry ?. "w")
  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
       '(ferret-font-lock-keywords nil t)))

(provide 'ferret)

;;; ferret.el ends here

 Mark Verschell                     NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
 verschell@neptune.gsfc.nasa.gov    Code 970/Lab. for Hydrospheric Proc.
 301-614-5669  Fax: 301-614-5666    Greenbelt, MD 20771

		     Better Living Through Denial
               ** USQC Certified: 100% Microsoft Free **

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