FOCI Field Season Planning Timeline

 Time Task
July Field Operations Leaders (FOLs) designated for coming year 

Principal Investigators (PIs) meet to discuss potential operations 

FOCI Coordinator (FC) alerts PIs to submit Project Description Forms (PDFs,  format) to FC

August FC and FOLs compile PDFs for operating areas and times 
September FC and FOLs draft Field Operations Schedule

FOLs assign Chief Scientists (CSs) 

FC and FOLs present draft Field Operations Schedule to personnel, PIs respond to FC with concerns/comments about draft schedule

October  FOLs conduct solution-based debriefing of summer and fall cruises 

FOLs review and submit UNOLS Common Use Equipment Request Form if UNOLS vessels are to be used and SCS Sensor specifications if NOAA vessels are to be used 

FC distributes PDFs to CSs 

FC revises Cruise Planning Templates

December  CSs submit Overview of spring cruises to FOCI Liaison Officer (FLO) and FOLs
January FC, FOLs, CSs attend pre-season briefing for spring cruises (NOAA only)
May  CSs submit Overview of summer and fall cruises to FLO and FOLs
June FOLs conduct solution-based debriefing of spring cruises

Calendar Worksheet for Chief Scientists and Participating Scientists

Lead time Due Date Task
120 days before cruise ________ PIs submit Chemical Inventory, MSDSs, and Sample Request Forms to CS. 

CSs begin to develop Cruise Instructions with participating PIs

100 days before cruise ________ PS submit Chemical Disposal Plan to CS, if using chemicals
95 days before cruise  ________ CSs submit draft Cruise Instructions to FOLs and FLO 

FOLs and FLO approve draft Cruise Instructions

90 days before cruise ________ FLO submits draft Cruise Instructions to MOC-Pacific
35 days before cruise  ________ CSs submit final Cruise Instructions to FOLs and FLO 

FOLs and FLO approve final Cruise Instructions

30 days before cruise ________ FLO submits final Cruise Instructions to MOC-Pacific
30 days before cruise  ________ CS holds pre-cruise meeting with science personnel
21 days before cruise  ________ Travel arrangements for all NOAA scientists need to be made through the respective division travel departments
14 days before cruise  ________ Form CD-81 "Authorization for Overtime" must be completed and submitted to supervisor for signature at least one week prior to cruise
at beginning of cruise  ________  CS holds cruise meeting with science and ship personnel
At end of cruise ________ CS submits data to FDCs
within 25 days after cruise  ________ CS submits Cruise Evaluation to FLO
within 30 days after cruise  ________ CS submits Cruise Report to vessel captain, FOLs, FC and FDC (preferably, the report is submitted before departing the vessel)