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[ferret_users] Problem with 6 hourly to daily average

Dear all,
I am wanting to convert 6 hourly (0,6,12,18 hr) data to daily average.

6 hourly existing time axis, of variable var, is:
define axis/t="01-jan-1993:00:00":"31-dec-2017:18:00"/units=days/npoints=36524 t6

and daily time axis (on which I want my final average) is:
define axis/t="01-jan-1993:09":"31-dec-2017:09":24/units=hours t9

Now, following step should give my desired daily final mean:
let var_d=var[gt=t9@ave]

(Above method is given by the thread :https://www.pmel.noaa.gov/maillists/tmap/ferret_users/fu_2004/msg00540.html )

But the problem is:  var_d is not being calculated except at l=1. I have improvised all steps and all seem very fine, so var_d should give all daily values. But, except at l=1, all other l's are showing 'No Valid Data'. Any experience in this regard ?

Hope to hear soon.

G Satyesh

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