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[ferret_users] Gap in orthographic projection


I have generated a plot, aj458_tas_test_map.gif, as attached using mp_hammer which looks ok.  However, when I use mp_orthographic to generate a similar plot,aj458_tas_ortho_test.gif, it has a narrow white stripe. How do I avoid that?

First plot:
use "/Users/bodmanr/Desktop/Working_Suites/u-aj458/tas_aj458.nc"
let clim = tas[t=1-jan-1989:31-dec-2008@ave] -273
go mp_hammer
go mp_grid clim
go mp_aspect
SHADE/NOAXIS/TITLE="AMIP tas climatology" clim*mp_mask, x_page, y_page
go mp_land.jnl

Second plot:
use "/Users/bodmanr/Desktop/Working_Suites/u-aj458/tas_aj458.nc"
let clim = tas[t=1-jan-1989:31-dec-2008@ave] -273
go mp_orthographic 90 -45 
set grid clim
go mp_aspect
LET masked_clim = clim * mp_mask 
FILL/NOAX/NOLAB masked_clim, x_page, y_page 
go mp_land


Roger Bodman
Research Fellow
The University of Melbourne, 

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