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Re: [ferret_users] calculation RMSD.


A few problems here.

First, your listing doesn't work because you are trying to list quantities on different grids.

The error message for your plots is straight forward. You are trying to make a single line plot from 3D variables.
temperature is specified in XYZT space and you have restricted the depth to z=10m. You need to inform Ferret of the X-Y location
for temperature in order to get a time series.

plot/x=180.0/y=0.0 temperature


On 18/04/15 17:44, Satyam Srivastava wrote:
Hi folks,

I am trying to calculate the rmsd and bias using the following script but i am getting the following errors could you guys please help with the problem which i am facing.::::

yes? set mode metafie
yes?  use pottm2008.nc
yes? use pottmp.2008.nc
yes? set memory/size=500
 Cached data cleared from memory
yes? set reg/t=10-may-2008:31-may-2008/z=10
yes? let mtemp=temperature[d=1,l=@ave]
yes? let mpot=pottmp[d=2,l=@var]
yes? let sdtemp=temperature[d=1,l=@var]^0.5
yes? let sdpot=pottmp[d=2,l=@var]^0.5
yes? let dU=temperature[d=1]-pottmp[d=2,g=temperature[d=1]]
yes? let bias=dU[l=@ave]
yes? let rmsd=dU[l=@var]^0.5
yes? list mtemp,mpot,sdtemp,sdpot,bias,rmsd
 **ERROR: inconsistent sizes of data regions: X axis
          Variable 2 is I=001:360
          _expression_ is I=0001:2001
yes? go multi_view 3, 1, .8, .1, 0, .2, .1, .1
yes? plo/nolabel/vlim=-100:140/color=black/thick=3 temperature[d=1]
 **ERROR: dimensions improperly specified: specified data is not a line
           - its a 3D region: "plo/nolabel/vlim=-100:140/color=black/thick=3 temperature[d=1]"
yes? plo/nolabel/color=black/thick=3 temperature[d=1]
 **ERROR: dimensions improperly specified: specified data is not a line
           - its a 3D region: "plo/nolabel/color=black/thick=3 temperature[d=1]"
yes? plo/ov/nolabel/color=red/thick=3 pottmp[d=2]
 **ERROR: dimensions improperly specified: overlay is on a different axis
          "plo/ov/nolabel/color=red/thick=3 pottmp[d=2]"

the grids of the data are as follows:::

yes? use pottm2008.nc
yes? sh g temperature
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 LONN2551_N551 LONGITUDE     2001mr   130W(-130)           30E(30)
 LAT959_2051 LATITUDE        1093 i   39.976S              39.976N
 LEV       DEPTH (m)           10 i-  0                    200
 TIME      TIME                32 r   08-MAY-2008 00:00    08-JUN-2008 00:00
 normal    E
 normal    F
yes? sh d
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./pottm2008.nc  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L         M         N
          potential temperature (degc)     1:2001    1:1093    1:10      1:32      ...       ...
yes? use pottm2008.nc
yes? sh g pottmp
 **ERROR: variable unknown or not in data set: POTTMP
yes? use pottmp.2008.nc
yes? sh g pottmp
 name       axis              # pts   start                end
 LON       LONGITUDE          360mr   0.5E                 0.5W
 LAT       LATITUDE           418 r   74.5S                64.499N
 LEVEL     DEPTH (m)           40 i-  5                    4478
 TIME1     TIME                12 i   01-JAN-2008 00:00    01-DEC-2008 00:00
 normal    E
 normal    F
yes? sh d pottmp
 **ERROR: unknown data set:
yes? sh d
     currently SET data sets:
    1> ./pottm2008.nc
 name     title                             I         J         K         L         M         N
          potential temperature (degc)     1:2001    1:1093    1:10      1:32      ...       ...
    2> ./pottmp.2008.nc  (default)
 name     title                             I         J         K         L         M         N
 DATE                                      ...       ...       ...       1:12      ...       ...
 TIMEPLOT                                  ...       ...       ...       1:12      ...       ...
 POTTMP   Potential temperature            1:360     1:418     1:40      1:12      ...       ...

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