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[ferret_users] Re: [ferret_users] Vertical regridding without interpolation

On my first grid i have 5 vertical levels and the thickness vary in time. I want to map these levels on a on second grid with z-axis (for instance 30 z-levels). but i dont want the data from my first grid to be interpolated on the second. For each cell grid of the second grid, i want to compute the depth and then look for the corresponding value in one of the 5 intervals of depth of the first grid. And i have to do it at each time step.

I dont konw if it's clear...



Le 2013-08-09 18:06, Ansley Manke a écrit :
Hi Matthieu,
 Do you mean that the levels in your grid correspond to known depths,
so that you would like to simply assign a depth to each level?  If
that is the case, then use the @ASN transformation to put the data
onto the depth axis. Make sure there are the same number of depths as
levels, for instance:

yes? define axis/z=/units=meters/depth zdepths =
yes? let/units="`temp,return=units`" temp_on_depth =
 and note that on the DEFINE AXIS command, you could use /EDGES so
that you define the edges of the grid cells instead of the grid cell
centers. For unequally spaced grids, this is often the better choice.


On 8/9/2013 1:57 AM, mcaillau wrote:

Hi Ferret users,

I have data on a vertical level axis (level-grid) and i would like
to regrid it to a regular z axis.
I have the thickness of each level (which vary in time).

I know that ZAXREPLACE would do it but i dont want my data to be
interpolated on the z-axis. I am looking for the following
transformation :
for each grid cell of my z-axis (so at a given depth) it will
affect the value at the same depth from my level-grid.

Thank in advance for your help


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