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Re: [ferret_users] Simultaneous ferret execs with -gif lead to "file exists" error

What version of Ferret are you running?  We ran into this ourselves and fixed it in Ferret v6.84.  When running in "ferret -gif" mode, the gif file is being written as Ferret runs, and at the point of issuing the FRAME command, that file is saved to the named file.

Unfortunately the on-line documentation is out of sync right at the moment, but here is the relevant information.

When running in ferret -gif mode, Ferret v6.82 left stray .gif files sitting around when it finished. This is fixed.

The new command SET GIFFILE works to name the gif file in both ferret -gif and ferret -batch gif_file_name.gif modes.  Use a complete pathname for SET GIFFILE:
> ferret -gif    

yes? SET GIFFILE "/home/users/ansley/images/output.gif"
yes? plot the_var
yes? frame/file= "/home/users/ansley/images/output.gif"
The filename specified in SET GIFFILE does not have to be the same one used by the FRAME command.
So you can start Ferret, set the gif file name, using for instance the session PID, or the date and time, or some other name, then rename it as desired when saving.
> ferret -gif

set giffile anim/anim_($session_pid).gif

[... plot commands]


On 2/12/2013 4:47 PM, Gustafson, William I wrote:
I have written a Python script to wrap around a Ferret script so that I
can simultaneously generate lots of panels for an animation. The Python
script uses MPI to distribute lots (order 100's) of Ferret sessions across
a Linux cluster. The problem is that it almost works, but not quite. A
small percentage of the resulting gif files are not generated because
Ferret thinks the output file already exists. I get errors like:

	**ERROR: .gif: File exists
	gdeactivatews()    3 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in the state
	gactivatews()    6 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be either in the
	state WSOP or in the state WSAC
	ginqwsconntype()    7 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in one of the
	states WSOP, WSAC or SGOP
	gsetwswindow()    7 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in one of the
	states WSOP, WSAC or SGOP
	gescsetdcsize()    7 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in one of the
	states WSOP, WSAC or SGOP
	gupdatews()    7 GKS not in proper state: GKS shall be in one of the
	states WSOP, WSAC or SGOP
	Cached data cleared from memory
	**ERROR: required program command has not been given: graphical output
	device isnt ready
	POLYGON/nolab/noaxes/line=1 {0,0,1,1,0},{0,1,1,0,0}
	Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted

The Ferret script uses the command "frame/file=anim`aa`.gif" to write the
file, and Ferret is executed using the "-gif -script <scriptname>" command
line options. I have verified that every process is using unique filenames
so there should be no overlap problem.

Has anybody else run into this sort of error? Does Ferret's frame command
use a generic name and then rename the file to the final output name? If
so, that could lead to this sort of behavior. Any suggestions on how to
get around this?

If it helps, here is the relevant parts of the Ferret script (note that
plot_bp is a 2nd script that does the actual plot commands):

	define symbol start = $1
	define symbol end   = $2
	let aa=($start)
	repeat/l=($start):($end) ( ;\
	  go plot_bp ;\
	  frame/file="anim/anim`aa`.gif" ;\
	  let aa=`aa+1` ;\

And, here is the main portion of the Python script:

	nproc = comm.Get_size()
	myrank = comm.Get_rank()

	script = "anim_auto.jnl" # Ferret script name
	t1     = 0         # 0-based start index for input file time
	t2     = 100       # 0-based end index for input file time

	# Have each task call Ferret for its set of times...
	t1me,t2me = distribute_times(t1,t2,myrank,nproc,comm) # Returns times for
this task
	ntme = t2me-t1me+1

	for k in xrange(t1me,t2me+1):
	    cmd  = "csh -c \"source ~/ferret_paths; ferret -gif -script
"+script+" %d %d\""%(k+1,k+1)

Also, if it would matter, I am running on a cluster that uses a Lustre
file system. I have had some trouble in the past with some programs that
expect to be able to do file locking, which Lustre doesn't like. But, I do
not think that is the case for Ferret.




William I. Gustafson Jr., Ph.D.
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
P.O. 999, MSIN K9-30
Richland, WA  99352
Tel: 509-372-6110

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