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Re: [ferret_users] Error while using "SET MEMORY/SIZE" command

Hi -
The SET MEMORY command tries to access a piece of system memory so that it can allocate storage space for data. The message is telling you that there isn't that much memory available for Ferret to use.

What are you trying to do?  Your loop has just one iteration, N=1, and you're asking to load and write the entire SSH variable in one command.  If you want to use a loop to save the entire variable using a loop, try it one timestep per iteration:

 (save/file="/users/cshaji/work/data/soda/sodaworknow/SODA_2.2.4_ssh_1871to2008.nc"/append ssh[l=`n`])

Then you won't need a SET MEMORY command at all.

On 7/9/2012 1:46 AM, sreejith k.s wrote:

Dear ferret users,
I am accessing a large data file through opendap and would like to save the file in netcdf format.

My script looks as follows.

! Some initializations.
 set mode verify !all commands are displayed on screen.
 cancel window/all !eliminates graphics window from screen.
 cancel region !cancel the current region.
 cancel variable/all !delete all user defined variables.
 cancel data/all !eliminates all data.

! Load data file.
 set mode desperate
 use "http://apdrc.soest.hawaii.edu:80/dods/public_data/SODA/soda_pop2.2.4"

! Saving the file in Netcdf format using a loop
n (save/file="/users/cshaji/work/data/soda/sodaworknow/SODA_2.2.4_ssh_1871to2008.nc"/append ssh[l=`n`:`n+1655`])

While writing the netcdf file, I get the following error message.

!-> REPEAT: N:1
 !-> LIST/FORMAT=CDF/file="/users/cshaji/work/data/soda/sodaworknow/SODA_2.2.4_ssh_1871to2008.nc"/append ssh[l=1:1656]
 LISTing to file /users/cshaji/work/data/soda/sodaworknow/SODA_2.2.4_ssh_1871to2008.nc
 **ERROR: request exceeds memory setting: 393465600 words were requested.
LIST/FORMAT=CDF/file="/users/cshaji/work/data/soda/sodaworknow/SODA_2.2.4_ssh_1871to2008.nc"/append ssh[l=1:1656]
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted
 *** NOTE: You can use SET MEMORY/SIZE=xxx to increase memory.
 *** NOTE: The "Memory use" section of the FERRET Users Guide has further tips.

I don't know how to fix this error message. Right now I gave memory size as 416. What will be a good number to give to fix the error message and how I can come to know about that.
Please give me some suggestions to fix the error.



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