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Re: [ferret_users] Memory leak in external function?

Hi Martin,
Thank you for the report. I've been able to create an example where I see this behavior. We'll look into it.

The function inherits all of its result axes from the grid of the first argument, so one could give it a time range - however to work on a long time axis, I see where it would be helpful to break up the job in time as you have done.


On 6/19/2012 7:08 AM, Martin Schmidt wrote:

there is a function fill_xy, originalla an external one, now part of ferret. It fills smoothly in the xy-plane.

I want to fill land values in a data set with 320 x 280 grid points and about 1700 time steps. I do this time step wise.

use my_data_set.nc
define symbol  ls = `windx, return=lstart`
define symbol  le = `windx, return=lend`
define symbol  tit = `windx, return=title`
let mask  = 0*missing(windx,0) + 1   ! 1 everywhere

! define a filled variable
let/unit="m/s"/title="($tit)" windx_f = fill_xy(windx,mask,10)

repeat/l=`($ls)`:`($le)` save/file=windx_2009_f.nc/append windx_f

This works with
FERRET v6.303
        AIX 5.3 POWER6 - 10/27/09


FERRET v6.67
        Linux(gfortran) 2.6.18-238.1.1.el5 - 02/11/11
(this runs on OpenSUSE11 and SLES11)

but fails after about 100 time steps with
ERROR in external function: Segmentation Violation
 **ERROR: error in external function
LIST/FORMAT=CDF/file=windx_2009_f.nc/append windx_f
Command file, command group, or REPEAT execution aborted

       FERRET v6.72
        Linux 2.6.32-131.12.1.el6.x86_64 64-bit - 09/13/11
is used at SLES11 and OpenSUSE11 as well.

SET MEMORY/SIZE=1000 or larger does not really help.

Did anyone see similar problems?


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