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[ferret_users] converting to pressure levels and memory size issue

Hi all,

I am trying to convert sigma level output to pressure levels and then plot vertical cross sections (avg. 10W-10E, 6 to 30N) of JJAS averaged RCM atmospheric variables.  However, when I go to shade/contour I get a memory size issue requesting ~50Mwords.  I tried to set memory/size=100 and it says this is inadequate.  When I increase memory size to 200, I get an error that says the request exceeds memory setting...the current grid is likely too large.  Is there another way around this?  Below is the simple averaging portion of the script and the zaxreplace commands I use to convert to pressure levels.  Thank you for any suggestions.


let cont_jun_TK=TK[d=2,l=17:359:12]
let cont_junave_TK=cont_jun_TK[l=@ave]
let cont_jul_TK=TK[d=2,l=18:359:12]
let cont_julave_TK=cont_jul_TK[l=@ave]
let cont_aug_TK=TK[d=2,l=19:359:12]
let cont_augave_TK=cont_aug_TK[l=@ave]
let cont_sep_TK=TK[d=2,l=20:359:12]
let cont_sepave_TK=cont_sep_TK[l=@ave]

let cont_jjas_TK=(cont_junave_TK+cont_julave_TK+cont_augave_TK+cont_sepave_TK)/4

let cont_jun_ps=ps[d=2,l=17:359:12]
let cont_junave_ps=cont_jun_ps[l=@ave]
let cont_jul_ps=ps[d=2,l=18:359:12]
let cont_julave_ps=cont_jul_ps[l=@ave]
let cont_aug_ps=ps[d=2,l=19:359:12]
let cont_augave_ps=cont_aug_ps[l=@ave]
let cont_sep_ps=ps[d=2,l=20:359:12]
let cont_sepave_ps=cont_sep_ps[l=@ave]

let cont_jjas_PS=(cont_junave_PS+cont_julave_PS+cont_augave_PS+cont_sepave_PS)/4 define 

axis/Z=1000:100:25/unit=millibars/depth plev let pk=tk[d=2]*0.0+Z*(cont_jjas_ps[d=2]-5)+5 let cont_jjas_vert_TK=zaxreplace(cont_jjas_TK[k=1:18,d=2],pk[k=1:18],z[z=100:1000,d=2])

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