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Re: [ferret_users] masking using and/or


Points can be TRUE (1), FALSE (0) or MISSING.  In your example MISSING is being used as a FLASE, but it really isn't.  If a point is MISSING, the result of using that point in any binary operation will also be missing (and, or, +, -, *, /, etc.).  Thus the "and" and "or" operations produce the same result.  By following Paul's suggestion you are ensuring that you use FALSE instead of MISSING.  In practice, the use of MISSING makes a nicer mask for graphical purposes, because "0"'s behave like valid values on the plot.

To my eye, the most elegant way to express your examples would be
yes? let mask1= y[gy=sst] lt 20
yes? let mask2= y[gy=sst] gt 0
yes? let mask3 = mask1 and mask2
yes? let mask4 = mask1 or mask2

yes? fill/l=1 IF mask3 then sst

yes? fill/l=1 IF mask4 then sst

    - Steve


On 2/3/2012 12:59 PM, Paul Young wrote:
Hi Carol,

I can get the desired result by adding "else 0" to the mask1 and mask2 definitions (which I thought was implied): 

let mask1 = if y[gy=sst] lt 20 then 1 else 0
let mask2 = if y[gy=sst] gt 0 then 1 else 0
let mask3 = if (mask1 and mask2) then 1 !funnily enough, no need for "else 0" here

fill/l=1 sst*mask3 !Just Eq to 20N

I can also get it by making the mask in one shot:

let mask = if y[gy=sst] gt 0 and y[gy=sst] lt 20 then 1 else 0

Hope this helps.....but perhaps a ferret expert can clarify when the "else 0" is needed? 



On Feb 3, 2012, at 12:56 PM, Carol Ladd wrote:

I am trying to create a lat/lon mask using if statements.  I create two overlapping masks and then want to combine them.  I would assume I should use “or” to combine the two regions.  However, using either “and” or “or” in the masking definition, I get the same result.  Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?  I am using Ferret v6.65.


See the following script for a quick example:


use coads_climatology
sh d
let mask1=if y[gy=sst] lt 20 then 1
let mask2=if y[gy=sst] gt 0 then 1
let mask3 = if (mask1 and mask2) then 1
let mask4 = if (mask1 or mask2) then 1


fill/l=1 sst*mask1
fill/l=1 sst*mask2
fill/l=1 sst*mask3
fill/l=1 sst*mask4



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