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Re: [ferret_users] Ferret problem with nested repeat loops

Hi -
You need to first set up the size of the output data in the K direction, with the /KLIMITS qualifier.  See

append, slab to netCDF file

in the Ferret Users Guide.  That example is reading data from ascii files and writing to netCDF, and you are reading from netCDF so you don't need all of the define axis and define grid commands.  Just the SAVE commands, first with /KLIMITS and then saving each level with the correct /K=  value.  Loops with L and K will work fine here.


On 5/11/2011 3:06 PM, Xiufeng Yang wrote:
Hello Ferreters,

The variable I am dealing with has the following dimensions:
 name     title                             I         J         K         L
U         u-veloc. [20.1H]                1:541     1:385     1:40      1:364

I want to save this variable to a local *.nc file. Since it is too big to be saved one time (my computer only has 60 Mwords memory maximum available for Ferret), I am doing it with nested loops. Since I am running Ferrest on WinXP, I cannot use repeat/range command. I am using the script looking like the following:

 yes? repeat/L=1:364 Let temp1=L; (repeat/K=1:40 Let temp2=K; save/append/file=test.nc U[I=1:541,J=1:385, K=temp2, L=temp1]).

Can anybody help me troubleshoot above script and make it work as it is supposed to be?
If you have any better ways to do the same thing, you are more than welcomed to let me know. Any input will be highly appreciated.

Thank you for your time.

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