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Re: [ferret_users] grid problem y axis (latitude)

Hi Helle,
Now that I see the sequence of commands you used, I see more about what's happening.  When Ferret detects an axis with reversed coordinates, it checks to see if they're regularly spaced, and if so reverses them. At this point it sets an internal flag marking the axis as a reversed axis, and data from the netCDF file is read with the reversal taken into account. This is described in the documentation:  Chapter 2, sec 2.5:
Files with reverse-ordered axes

If the coordinates of an axis are monotonically decreasing, instead of increasing, Ferret will transparently reverse both the axis coordinates and the dependent variables that are defined upon that axis. Note that if Ferret writes a reverse-ordered variable to a new netCDF file (with the SAVE command), the coordinates and data in the output file will be in monotonically increasing coordinate order—reversed from the input file.

If the values of a dependent variable are reversed, but there is no associated coordinate axis then use attach a minus sign to the corresponding axis orientation in the USE/ORDER= qualifier to designate that the variable(s) should be reversed along the corresponding axis.

(What is meant in the last paragraph, is that if the data values are reversed but the coordinate axis is not reversed, or if the axis is not in world-coordinate units, then use USE/ORDER= to tell Ferret to reverse the data when it is read.)

Copying the commands that you showed in your PDF file here,
> cp orig.nc test.nc
> ferret       
        FERRET v6.64 
        Linux(gfortran) 2.6.9-89.0.20.ELsmp - 09/20/10
        25-Oct-10 12:27    

yes? use test.nc (i,j,k,l; including specific humidity q)
yes? let testvar = q[l=1:2]
yes? save/append/file="test.nc" testvar
=> ferret writes whole file again, including variable “testvar”
yes?  quit

> ferret
yes? use test.nc
yes? shade/i=1/l=1 q
yes? use orig.nc
yes? set win 2
yes? shade/i=1/l=1 q

Now we have both the y axis which Ferret has reversed (internal to Ferret), and the original axis (in test.nc or orig.nc).

NOTE that when I try to create an example where I append to the input file which has a reversed axis, I get an error message and cannot do the append.

I *think*  that if you had done everything by saving to a new file, then the data is always written using the reversed axis
yes? use test.nc 
yes? save/file=new.nc q[L=1:3]
yes? let testvar = q[L=1:2]
yes? save/append/file=new.nc testvar
And the two variables q and testvar in this new file would both be correct.  Is that the case??

Another note: when you save testvar = q[L=1:2],   it'll save the full time range of data, because the variable has the same grid as the original data. But only timesteps 1 and 2 will have valid data.


On 10/25/2010 6:30 AM, Hella Riede wrote:
Hi Ansley,

Hi helle,I'm working off-line and can't see your image, but I know the issue. What are the units of the latitude axis?

Units of latitude axis from ncdump (original file):
float lat(lat) ;
        lat:long_name = "latitude" ;
        lat:units = "degrees_north" ;

What is the range of the y coordinate values?

From "show grid" (original file):
LAT       LATITUDE            64 i   87.863S              87.863N

As mentioned in my first email, this is already strange as the values inside start start +87.863 (which should be north) and end at -87.863 (which should be south). Here are the start and end values of an "ncdump -v lat":

lat = 87.8638, 85.09653, 82.31291, 79.5256, 76.7369,...
    -76.7369, -79.5256, -82.31291, -85.09653, -87.8638 ;

Is this a netCDF file?  If so then looking at the y-axis information from a ncdump -c. would tell us if there's more that ferret could do to issue a note or something.

Yes, it is a netCDF file and the header information and values of "lat" are already provided above. Is there anything else you need from the "ncdump -c"?

Kind regards,

To use the dataset with reversed coordinates, the USE/ORDER qualifier let's you tell ferret to reverse the Y axis.

-----Original message-----
From: Hella Riede <hella.riede@xxxxxxx>
To: ferret <oar.pmel.ferret_users@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Thu, Oct 21, 2010 14:47:37 GMT+00:00
Subject: [ferret_users] grid problem y axis (latitude)

Dear ferreters,

in our default model output, the y axis (latitude) is unconventionallydefined from north to south. Working with the unchanged file in ferretseems to work fine. But since ferret does not recognize thisunconventional axis/grid correctly, it produces a mirror image of thedata with respect to latitude when for example appending a variable tothe file. This "mirroring" happens without error notice or warning,which can of course lead to misunderstandings interpreting the data.

I prepared an example, see attachment.

Thank you in advance for taking notice.

Best wishes,

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