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[ferret_users] Why plot/thick=2 does not work sometimes

Hi, ferret users:

I am trying to make a plot of time series using

It keeps on crashing on one of the NASA Columbia super computers. I played
a bit with the script and it turned out that the computer does not thick=2
option. I really like to have a thicker line. Can anyone help me?


--- Peng

Here is a log on the supercomputer:
> ferret -gif
        FERRET v6
        Linux(g77) 2.4.20 - 09/11/06
        30-Jun-08 15:19

yes? go _mytest_plot.jnl
let xt=I[I=1:25]
let var1=sin(xt)

plot/thick=2/color=blue var1
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

I have tried the same script on a local machine and it worked without
problem (see the log below) but it would be too time consuming to transfer
data from the super computer to the local computer all the time:

> ferret -gif
        FERRET v6
        Linux(g77) 2.4.21-32 - 08/23/06
        30-Jun-08 15:19
yes? go _mytest_plot.jnl
let xt=I[I=1:25]
let var1=sin(xt)

plot/thick=2/color=blue var1

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