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[ferret_users] Fill command - white/blank spaces


I am attempting to plot a profile section (x vs z) of a 3-d domain. However, when I plot using:

fill chlgca, dxyk, zxy

the resulting plot has alot of blank/white spaces. Note that dxyk is based on a conversion of x and y coordinates to a distance using the following piece of code:

! Find x and y coordinates ____________________________________
let xgca = x1 + (i[i=1:11]-1)*(x2-x1)/(11-1)
let ygca = y1 + (i[i=1:11]-1)*(y2-y1)/(11-1)

! Find data closest to transect line ________________________________
let chlgca = samplexy_curv(chlclm,lon_rho,lat_rho,xgca,ygca)

!Calculate depths ________________________________________________________
let sc = (k[k=1:30]-30-.5)/30
let cs = zsequence(cs_r)
let cf1 = `hc`*(sc-cs); let cf2 = cs
let hinv = 1/h
let zdep0 = cf1*h/h+cf2*h
let zdep = zdep0+zeta*(1+zdep0*hinv)

! sample depths for transect _________________________________________
let  zxy = samplexy_curv(zdep0,lon_rho,lat_rho,xgca,ygca)

! Convert long and lats to distance? ____________________________
let dxyd = (((xgca-xgca[i=1])*cos(ygca*3.14159/180))^2+(ygca-ygca[i=1])^2)^.5
let dxyk = dxyd*60*1.852
define axis/x/from/units=km dist = dxyk
let dxykz = dxyk*zxy/zxy

However, if I plot using:

fill chlgca, i[i=1:11], zxy

the plot looks to be OK (although a bit sure about some of the axes....)

I have attached some plots to demonstrate this.

Has anyone had this issue? Or better yet, found a way to resolve it (other than using the second option which does not give me the proper xaxis labels)?



PS  I am using ferret ver:
      FERRET v6.08        Linux(g77) 2.6.9-22. - 11/13/07

GIF image

GIF image

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