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[ferret_users] heat content

Dear ferret users,

I would like to compute heat content from surface to a depth of 50m using
density gradient criteria, I am using variables temp, salinity from a 3-d
ocean model. can any one help me please.
I have computed heatcontent in the following  way
use daily.nc
set region/x=44:78e/y=8:25n
let pres=z[g=temp]
let sig=rho_un(salt,temp,pres)-1000
let cp = 3994
let heat = sig*cp*temp*1E-9
def axis/z=0:50:1 zax1m ; def grid/like=temp/z=zax1m grd1m
let heat1m=heat[g=grd1m]
let heatcontent=heat1m[z=@din]
is this script correct
needy help required

thanks in advance

 Dr. C.Kalyani Devasena                Phone : +91 80  25051904, 25051905.
 DST Woman Scientist                                
 CSIR Centre for Mathematical-           E-mail: kalyani@cmmacs.ernet.in
 Modelling and Computer Simulation (C-MMACS) 
 NAL Belur Campus,                                 
 Bangalore - 560 037,         

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