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Re: Label: Superscript in square brackets

Hi Nicolas,
How about this?  It seems there are two things you want to do
with formatting, and I don't see a way of doing both in the same text
string either.  You could do two labels on top of each other, one with
the superscript and one with the brackets.  This does not work with the
YLAB command but could be done as a LABEL which you position
yourself on the plot. It's not as convenient, as you have to figure out
where to put the label on. (I have not been particularly careful
to center it here.)  But for example:

plot/i=1:10/set i
ppl ylab
ppl plot

label/user 0.2, 5, 0,90,0.12, " W/m^2"
label/user 0.2, 5, 0,90,0.12, @AS[       ]

Nicolas Schneider wrote:

> Dear ferret users
> I have a rather simple PPLUS problem. I would like to draw an axis label with
> the units (watts per square meter) in square brackets.
> According to the PPLUS manual, I tried to write the square brackets with the @AS
> character set (works!). It then says that if you use the @AS, the superscript
> has to be preceeded by the escape-character (ASCII code 27).
> yes? PPL YLAB @AS[W/m<esc>^2]
> However, the "2" isn't written as a superscript. What am I doing wrong?
> Many thanks,
> Nick
> _____________________________________________________________
> Nicolas Schneider, PhD Student
> University of Bern
> Institute of Geography
> Climatology & Meteorology
> Hallerstrasse 12
> CH-3012 Bern
> phone +41-31-631-8542
> fax   +41-31-631-8511
> email schneid@giub.unibe.ch

Ansley Manke  Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory  Seattle WA  (206)526-6246

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