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Re: plotting a time series over a hovmuller plot

Hi Hein,

In addition to Mick's detailed answer (thank you, Mick), I believe there
is an FAQ on this subject:


    - steve


Hein Zelle wrote:

> Dear Ferret users,
> I have a problem I am not sure how to solve. What I want to do is the
> following: I have 2 variables, SST and ZEROPOINT. SST is defined on
> the x axis (y = 0n) and in time, and I make a hovmuller plot using
> fill (lon-time). ZEROPOINT is a variable only defined in time, with
> the value indicating a longitudinal position where the wind field is
> zero. I can plot this line, resulting in a t-lon plot (t along the x
> axis). What I want is to plot this line as a lon-t plot (axes swapped)
> and overlay it on top of my SST plot (with the axes matching, of
> course).
> Does anyone have a clue how I can do this? I have a solution in the
> form of a contour plot which approximates the line plot, but this is
> not really what I want. If anyone knows a way to plot this one
> dimensional variable directly on top of my hovmuller plot, I would be
> much obliged.
> Hein Zelle
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------<
>     Hein Zelle
>     Dept. of Oceographic Research
>     KNMI, The Netherlands
>     work:        zelle@knmi.nl     http://www.knmi.nl/~zelle
>     private:     hein@icce.rug.nl  http://www.icce.rug.nl/~hein
>     Phone:       +31 (0)30 2206704
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------<
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Zie ook/see also: http://www.knmi.nl/maildisclaimer.html

Steve Hankin
NOAA/PMEL, 7600 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle, WA 98115-0070
ph. (206) 526-6080 -- FAX (206) 526-6744

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