FOCI Specific Cruise Instructions: 7.0 Hazardous Materials


7.0 Hazardous Materials

7.1 Inventory
Hazardous Material Amount Spill Respondee Neutralizing Agent Spill Kit Available?
Mercuric chloride 0.9 grams Henrichs Soap and water yes
Sulfamic acid 500 grams Henrichs Baking soda yes
Hydrochloric Acid 1 liter Wisegarver and Thornton Baking soda yes
N-1-Naphthylethylenediamine Dihydrochloride 3 grams Wisegarver and Thornton Ingress solution yes
Potassium Nitrate 2 x 3.5g, 7g total Wisegarver and Thornton Milk yes 
Sulfanilamide 14 x 10g, 140g total Wisegarver and Thornton Soap and water yes 
Sodium Nitrite 15 grams Wisegarver and Thornton Liquid detergent yes

7.2 Material Safety Data Sheet - see attached sheets for each hazardous material listed in 7.1.