FOCI Standard Operating Instructions

January 2002
3.2.10 Chlorophyll Sampling Operations - Chlorophyll samples will be collected from the 10-liter Niskin bottles simultaneously with Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth (CTD) profiler casts.  The scientists will be responsible for collection, filtration, and preservation of samples.  Sampling depths depend on the fluorescence or chlorophyll absorbance meter (ChlAM) profile.  A typical strategy would be samples at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 or 60 meters, depending upon which of the latter two depths is closest to the fluorescence or chlorophyll maximum.  If the maximum is deeper than 60 meters, sampling should be moved deeper with fewer samples in the mixed layer.

When microzooplankton samples are to be collected from the same Niskin bottle, 500 milliliters of water is first removed from the water bottle using a graduated cylinder.  Chlorophyll and nutrient samples are obtained from the collected 500 milliliters in the graduated cylinder.  See the FOCI Field Manual for sampling collection, filtration, and preserving details.  The -70° Celsius freezer is required for sample storage.