4.1 NeMO '00 Dive Statistics

NeMO Cruise dates: 6/29/00 - 7/18/00

ROPOS Dives R540 - R556 (17 dives including 1 with no bottom time and 1 "bounce" dive)

265 hours wet time

231 hours bottom time

Arrived on station 6/30 2000 UTC. Departed Axial 7/17 0600 UTC. 18 hours of transit time. 15.6 days on site. Spent 70% of time in the water, 61% of time on the bottom (about 15 hours per day).

50 experiments were deployed on the cruise.

210 samples were collected (including 19 experiments that were recovered). Samples were of vent fluids, vent chemistry, vent biology and geology. 35 of the ROPOS samples were rock samples. 13 more rock samples were collected using a wax corer.