4.2 NeMO '00 Dive Dates, Locations, Bottom Times, Summaries and Nav Info

Dive Area on btm off btm Dive Summary Nav information
R540 South Cleft No real bottom time no nav
R541 South Cleft JD183 (7/1) 1245 JD184 (7/2) 0150 Deployed Extensometers 2-7 (Clft E2-E7) at Benchmarks 2-7. Pressure measurement at Bmrk-3. No samples. 1245-1253 nav gap
R542 South Cleft JD184 (7/2) 1042 JD185 (7/3) 1423 Deployed Extensometers 8-12 (Clft E8-E12). Pressure measurements at Bmrks 1-12. Infared link with all extensometers, Clft E2 - E12. (Clft E1 was not deployed). Vent 1 Chimney 284 -Recovered 2 Hobos. Vent 1 Chimney 342 - Deployed 1 Hobo. Samples: 2 gtb, 2 twg, 1 sulfide. Ship nav only (ps8000 troubles)
R543 98 Lava Flow JD186 (7/4) 0506 JD186 (7/4) 1455 Mkr 33 - Deployed 3 MTR's, 2 bactraps, 4 larval tubes (positioned 1 and 2). Recovered 3 osmos 2 bactraps, '99 Time Lapse Camera. Samples: 4 ss, 1 twg, 1gtb. Cloud (N4 and N6/21) - Deployed 2 bactraps, 3 MTR's, and Mkr-21. Recovered VEMCO and MTR. Samples: 2 ss, 1 gtb. Nascent- Deployed Mkr-M, 1 MTR. Recovered 1 MTR. Sample: 1 twg. Mkr-N41 - Deployed 1 MTR. Recovered 1 MTR. Sample: 1 twg.
R544 ASHES and Mkr-33 JD187 (7/5) 0705 JD187 (7/5) 1732 Hell (porkchop 1 & 2)-Samples: 5 ss, 1 rk, 1 sulfide flange. Sulfide worm observations and spider temp probe measurements. Mushroom-Recovered 3 bactraps. Samples: 3 ss, 2 gtb. Sulfide worm observations and spider temp probe measurements. Mkr-33-Position larval tubes 3 and 4. Elevator recovery near Mkr-33 (deployed on R543). Nav starts at 0712.

0705-1422 ASHES (part1).

1422-1647 transit ASHES to Mkr-33. 1647 - 1732 Mkr-33 (part2).

R545 ASHES JD188 (7/6) 0610 JD188 (7/6) 1435 Gollum - Deployed MTR, bactrp. Repositioned bactrp. Recovered bactrp. Sample: 1 ss. Hillock/Phoenix - Searched for bactrps but couldn't find them. Samples: 2 ss. Crack - Deployed, positioned larval tubes 5-8. Recovered VEMCO. Observed Johnson flow meter platform. ROPOS - Deployed MTR, bactrp. Recovered 2 bactrps. Hel l- Samples: 1 ss, 1 sulfide. Caldera wall - Sample: 1 ss (FeO). NW of Inferno-Deployed MTR. Mushroom - Sample: 1 gtb. Virgin 0659 - 0713 transit. 1144 - 1217 nav gap. 1237 - 1304 transit Wall to Inferno.
R546 S Pillow Flow at 45 52'N JD188 (7/6) 2019 JD189 (7/7) 1417 Deployed Bmrk-66 at fissure edge. Bmrk-66 pressure measurement. Samples: 2 ss. Imagenex (Lines 9-18) - Samples: Plankton net tow, McLane pump. 188/2020-2040 nav gap.

189/1253-1340 transit Imagenex to Bmrk-66.

R547 98 Lava Flow JD190 (7/8) 0541 JD191 (7/9) 0009 Magnesia - (it's dead this year) Deployed Mkr-67. New Vent found/named BlueNose. Old Worms - Deployed MTR. Samples: 2 hfs. Mkr-N3 - Deployed 2 MTRs. Samples: 3 hfs. Mkr-N41 - Samples: 2 hfs, 1 ss. Nascent - Samples: 2hfs, 1 ss. Mkr-33 - Samples: 1 ss, 8 hfs. Snail - Deployed 2 MTRs. Samples: 1 hfs, 2 ss. Cloud - Samples: 5 hfs, 1 gtb, 2 ss, McLane pump. Castle - Deployed MTR. Samples: 1 hfs, 1 gtb, 1 ss, 1 sulfide. Nav sporadic all dive. 0936-1045 Loss of coms. 1430-1500 poor nav. 2145-2239 transit Cloud to Castle.
R548 Caldera center and nSRZ JD191 (7/9) 0836 JD192 (7/10) 0255 BPR (near center of caldera) - Deployed Bmrk-66. Pressure measurement. Magnesia - Deployed Bmrk-1 and performed pressure measurement. Sample: 1 ss. Moved osmosampler from Magnesia to Mkr-N41. Mkr-N41 -Deployed MTR. Connected NeMONet'99 camera to release mooring. Mkr-33 - Deployed Bmrk-5 and performed pressure measurement. Transit to BagCity - close call with water column mooring in transit. BagCity - Deployed Bmrk-4 and performed pressure measurement. Deployed 2 MTRs. Samples: 3 ss, 1 twg. Recover 1 MTR. Found/named FeCity Vent. Sample: 1 ss. Joystick - Samples: 2 rk, 1 twg, 2 ss. McLane pump Bag City to Joystick. 0957-1154 transit BPR to Magnesia. 1342-1358 transit Magnesia to mooring. 1641-1723 transit mooring to Mkr-33. 1828-2010 transit Mkr-33 to BagCity.
R549 98 Lava Flow JD192 (7/10) 0748 JD192((7/10) 1630 Mkr-33 - Deployed 2 bactrps. Recovered 2 bactrps. Cloud - Deployed 2 bactrps, Recovered 2 bactrps, video traverse. Samples: 1 fish, 1 twg, 4 ss, 1 McLane. Snail -Samples 1 twg, 1 ss. Mkr-108 - Samples: 2 ss, 1 rk. Recovered NeMO Net'99 camera from Nascent after dive. 1428-1516 transit on bottom from Snail to Mkr-108. (great geology)
R550 BagCity Area JD193 (7/11) 0241 JD193 (7/11) 1523 Imagenex survey BagCity area and north to join with southern portion of previous coverage (Lines BC8-BC16). Sample: McLane pump BagCity area. Saw huge pinkish mystery jelly, later determined to be Deepstaria enigmata. 1425 transit to Mkr-33 aborted due to HFS problems.
R551 98 Lava Flow JD193 (7/11) 2015 JD194 (7/12) 1556 Mkr-33 - Samples: 7 hfs. Snail - Sample: 1 hfs. Cloud - Samples: 3 hfs, 1 gtb, 1 ss. Mkr-113 - Deployed MTR. Samples: 3 ss, 1 hfs, 1 gtb. Joystick - Samples: 1hfs, 1 ss. FeCity - Samples: 2 hfs, 1 ss. Beautiful octopus on pillar when leaving FeCity. Bag City - Samples: 6 hfs, McLane. Coquille - Deployed 2 MTRs, Samples: 3 hfs, 1 rk. Imagenex (Lines BC17-BC19). 193/2317-194/0113 transit Cloud to Mkr-113. 0411-0449 transit Mkr-113 to Joystick. 0929-1016 Nav gap.
R552 98 Lava Flow JD194 (7/12) 2358 JD195 (7/13) 2327 Mkr-113 - Sample: 1 twg. Imagenex (Lines W8 - W15) northwest of Mkr-113. Coquille - Sample: 1 ss. GeoTransect Coquille and lava highway (A&B). BagCity - Deploy/position NeMO Net'00 camera and temp probes. Reposition MTR. Imagenex (Lines BC20-BC23) finished south of BagCity. Samples during survey: McLane, Plankton net tow. GeoTraverse © area), looking for contacts. 0552-0614 transit Imagenex to Coquille area. 0945-1013 transit B to BagCity area. 1230-1412 transit BagCity to Imagenex. 1959-2327 Nav problems: 1959-2018 nav gap. 2109-2150 nav gap. 1 nav fix after 2249. 2019-2108 transit to C.
R553 ASHES JD196 (7/14) 1408 JD197 (7/15) 0014 near Crack - Deployed Johnson flow/temp meter. Marshmallow - Samples: 5 hfs. Gollum -Samples: 7 hfs, McLane pump. Virgin - Samples: 4 hfs, 1 gtb. Mushroom - Sample: 1 hfs. Inferno - Samples: 4 hfs, 1 gtbs. Hell - Samples 3 hfs, 1 ss. Sulfide worm observations.
R554 S Pillow Flow at 45 52'N JD197 (7/15) 0612 JD197 (7/15) 2130 Imagenex (Lines 1-8) survey of south pillow flow. GeoTraverse points A, B, C, D (and near F, G). Followed large fissure and several smaller fissures to establish contacts. 1731-1746 transit Imagenex to A.
R555 NRZ and ASHES JD198 (7/16) 0335 JD198 (7/16) 1348 Deployed extensometers E1-E4 on NRZ. NW of Crack - Recovered larval tubes 5-8. Virgin - Deployed 2 Hobos. Sample: 2 gtb. 0758 - 1222 transit NRZ to ASHES.
R556 Mkr-33 JD198 (7/16) 2112 JD198 (7/16) 2334 Bounce Dive. Mkr-33 -Recover Larval Tubes 1-4 NE of Mkr-33. Samples: 2 ss. No good acoustic nav.