5.2 1999 Dive Dates, Locations and Tasks

ROPOS Dives R482 - R503

 Dive # Launch time Recovery time Dive Time (in the water) Bottom Time  NeMO 1999 Dive Locations and Tasks
R482 (6-22) JD173 - JD173 - 1530 1 hr 13 min 0 hr Didn't get to the bottom. Aborted at 400 m - fluid sampler not communicating
R483 (6-23) JD174 - 1000 JD174 - 1925 9 hr 25 min 7 hr 42 min Mkr-33 - 10 Samples: Suction, bio, gastights. Recovered Bactraps MTR and Osmo deployed in '98. Deployed 2 Fe OsmoAnalyzers. (Dive aborted, kink in tether).
R484 (6-24) JD175 - JD175 - 2023 10 hr 8 min 6 hr 30 min Mkr-33, Cloud Vent - 5 Samples: Suction, bio. Recovered MTR at Cloud and Time Lapse Camera at Mkr-33, both deployed in '98. (Dive, lost hydraulic fluid)
R485 (6-25) JD176 - 0700 JD176 - 1330 6 hr 30 min 1 hr Mkr-33 - 6 HFS Samples. This was the 2-part dive that we didn't change the Dive number for, even though Ropos came to the surface, therefore only 1 hour of bottom time. (Dive aborted, oil resevoir empty)
R486 (6-26) JD177 - JD176 - 0535 2 hr 32 min 0 hr Didn't get to bottom. (Dive aborted, hydraulic failure)
R487 (6-26) JD177 - 1531 JD177 - 1935 4 hr 4 min 2 hr 30 min Mkr-33, Cloud Vent - 15 Samples: HFS, gastight. Hydraulic fluid levels low, ROPOS went back to the cage and was pulled from Mkr-33 to Cloud by the ship. Did several HFS fluid samples of the plume in this fashion.
R488 (6-27) JD178 - 0428 JD179 - 0145 21 hr 17min 18 hr 30 min Mkr-33, Cloud, Snail, Nascent, MiniSnow, Mkr-N3,Milky, Magnesia, Imagenex - 33 Samples: HFS, suction, gastights. (Dive aborted, hydraulic oil pressure lost)
R489 (6-29) JD180 - 0620 JD180 - 0756 1hr 36 min 0 Didn't get to bottom
R490 (6-29) JD180 - 1945 JD180 - 2016 31 min 0 Didn't get to bottom. El Guapo was still plugged in after calibration, therefore transponders were not responding. (Dive aborted, navigation problem)
R491 (6-30) JD181 - 0145 JD182 - 1914 41 hr 29 min 38 hr 55 min Mkr-33, Cloud, Nascent, Old Flow, Old Worms, Magnesia, Imagenex - 28 Samples: Suction, bio, gastight, rocks. Video/photo survey of Cloud, Deployed BioOsmo Mkr-33, MTR & Vemco Mkr-N6, MTR Mkr-N41. Recovered MTR Nascent, bactraps Mkr-N4. (Dive finished)
R492 (7-2) JD183 - 0855 JD183 - 2324 14 hr 29 min 11 hr 18 min Joystick, Coquilles, Bag City - 14 Samples: Suction, Rocks, gastight, bio. Geology reconnaissance dive of '98 lava flow, south of area surveyed in '98. Eastern and western extents surveyed. Elevator recovered. (Dive ended to recover the elevator)
R493 (7-3) JD184 - 0635 -on btm JD184 - 1158 5 hr 23 min 2 hr 13 min Extension of Dive R492 - 2 Samples: rocks. Didn't go to any vents. (Dive aborted, lost telemetry, snap-loading on umbilical)
R494 (7-4) JD185 - 0227 JD185 - 1930 17 hr 2 min 14 hr 11 min Started south of SeaBeam anomaly, moving north to map limits of ,98 lava flow. Samples: 7 rock samples, bio, suction. No acoustic nav this dive - south net not working with north net. Fissure discovered! (Dive aborted, lost telemetry)
R495 (7-5) JD186 - 0330 JD187 - 0158 22 hr 28 min 21 hr Mkr-33, Mkr-109, Mkr-113, Castle, Joystick, Coquilles, Bag City, Fissure on SRZ - 37 Samples: HFS, Suction, gastight, sulfides, nisken.
       Recovered Vemco and deployed Osmo at Mkr-33. Geological traverse of SRZ. (Dive aborted, telemetry problems)
R496 (7-6) JD187 - 1820 JD188 - 1705 22 hr 45 min 19 hr 18 min Mkr-113, Rumbleometer freed from lava, Imagenex - 4 Samples: Bactraps, biology, rumbleometer. Recovered bactraps at Mkr-113, bio sample at Mkr-113, rock chips from rumbleometer. (Dive ended normally)
R497 (7-8) JD189 - 0010 JD189 - 1939 19 hr 29 min 10 hr 9 min Extensometers at NRZ, CASM - 21 Samples: suction, sulfide, bio, gtb. Elevator was recovered. At CASM collected 17 samples, VEMCO, hobo probes. One extensometer placed in elevator. (Dive aborted, sub lost power)
R498 (7-8) JD189 - 2215 JD190 - 0349 5 hr 39 min 3 hr 34 min Extensometer Recovery on NRZ - 3 remaining extensometers deployed in 98 were placed in elevator and all four were recovered. (Normal end of dive)
R499 (7-9) JD190 - 1509 JD190 - 2100 5 hr 51 min 4 hr 4 min Magnesia, Old Worms - 6 Samples: HFS, niskin. Also deployed osmosampler at Magnesia. (Dive aborted, Leak in HFS followed by hydraulic leak in ROPOS)
R500 (7-9) JD190 - 2314 JD191 - 1440 15 hr 26 min 13 hr 20 min Old Worms, FeO, Mkr-N41, Cloud, Mkr-33, Imagenex - 25 samples: HFS, suction gtb, niskin. Video mapping of Cloud. (Normal end of dive)
R501 (7-10) JD191 - 2140 JD192 - 1711 19 hr 31 min 14 hr 14 min Mkr-33, Crevice Vent ,and geologic traverse - 17 Samples: 13 rocks, suction, bio, Niskin. Deployed TLC at Mkr-33. (Normal end of dive)
R502 (7-12) JD193 - 0030 JD193 - 1520 14 hr 50 min 12 hr 17 min ASHES - 38 Samples: HFS, suction, gtb, niskin. Recovered HOBO at Hell and deployed one. Retrieved MTR at Gollum. Also recovered HOBO at Inferno. (Normal end of dive)
R503 (7-12) JD193 - 2015 JD194 - 0150 5 hr 35 min 3 hr ASHES - 3 Samples: bactraps and 2 hobos. Osmosampler deployed and melted at Inferno, Hobo deployed at Inferno and Virgin. Bactraps recovered and deployed at Gollum. Hobo recovered at Inferno. (Dive ended due to weather)