NeMO Curriculum - Part 2
Classroom Activities
Table of Contents

1. Title page: The Case of the Missing Rumbleometer
2. Premise: A mystery to solve
3. The missing rumbleometer
4. Glossary
5. Part 2 - Classroom Activities
6. Activity #1: Locating an earthquake epicenter
7. Oceanic earthquakes
8. Calculating distance
9. Example calculation
10. Marking the distance from a hydrophone
11. Triangulation
12. Bathymetric map
13. Page-sized map of Axial caldera (for printing)
14. Latitude and longitude
15. Hydrophone locations
16. Locating the epicenter
17. Activity #2: Ocean floor traverse
18. Dive with ROPOS
19. Bathymetric map
20. Page-sized PRE-event bathymetric map (for printing)
21. Distinguishing old from new lava
22. Seafloor animals can tell a story
23. Characteristics of deep-sea animal species (for printing)
24. Lava pillars and collapse areas
25. Questions for the ROPOS dive
26. Ocean floor traverse worksheet (for printing)
27. Begin ocean floor traverse
28. Ocean floor traverse: Site #1
29. Ocean floor traverse: Site #2
30. Ocean floor traverse: Site #3
31. Ocean floor traverse: Site #4
32. Ocean floor traverse: Site #5
33. Ocean floor traverse: Site #6
34. Ocean floor traverse: Site #7
35. Ocean floor traverse: Site #8
36. End of bottom traverse with ROPOS (with movie links)
37. Activity #3: Contour profiling
38. Bathymetric map and contour profile worksheet
39. Page-sized POST-event bathymetric map (for printing)
40. Contour profile worksheet (for printing)
41. The two maps and the worksheet
42. Divide into five groups
43. Contour profile instructions - page 1
44. Contour profile instructions - page 2
45. Contour profile instructions - page 3
46. Questions to answer from contour profiles
47. Mapping the lava flow
48. Activity #4: Graphing rumbleometer data
49. Data worksheets
50. Temperature worksheet (for printing)
51. Depth worksheet (for printing)
52. Rumbleometer data table (for printing)
53. Observations and conclusions
54. Congratulations!
55. Credits

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